Autumn just nods and kicks her tiny legs in response. "I'm guessing that is a yes. Did you take a bath at all at grandmas?" She says laughing a bit. Autumn doesn't responds and just sucks her pacifier. I smile and grab my wife's hand and kiss it as I pull into the driveway and park turning off the car. "Okay princess we are now home." I say getting out and grab her dipper bag and unstrap her from her car seat. "Lets go get you inside and go and give you a bath." My wife says picking up autumn and closing the car door then heads inside. Once we were inside I head with my wife and my daughter upstairs but head to the nursery instead of the bathroom. "Love when your done can you bring a fresh pair of cloths and a clean dipper." I hear my wife call from the bathroom. "Yeah. Want a pair of jeans and t-shirt?" I call back to her. "Yeah. Doesn't matter what color of the t-shirt is." I hear her say. I grab a light blue t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans for her and head to the bathroom. "Autumn no. We keep the water and our toys in the tub." I hear my wife say as I walk into the bathroom and see her playing with our daughter. "Hi princess. Are you making a mess?" I ask as I set her clothes down on the sink and kneel down next to my wife and look at my daughter. "Dadda!! Olie!" She says pointing to me. "Honey Uncle Oliver is back in England with Aunt Katy." I say smiling and play with her as my wife washes autumn. "Your daddy's right princess." My wife adds and washing Autumn. "Olie." She says pointing to me. "No honey I'm daddy." I say pointing to me. "Is she starting to confuse you and Oliver honey?" My wife asks looking at me quickly before she goes to wash autumns hair. "No I think she's just playing." I say. My wife just nods and washes our daughters hair which Autumn in return starts crying. "I know princess. Its almost over." I coo to her. "You know she hates getting her hair washed but enjoys getting her body cleaned. Like thats the opposit of the babies that I know." My wife says as she finishes our daughters hair. "I know." I say grabbing a towel and wrap it around my daughter and dry her off then proceed to change her. "Okay baby girl lets brush your hair." My wife says as I finish dressing her. "Can I do her hair love?" I asks my wife as she grabs her hair brush. "You can brush it but I'm not letting you put it up or anything. I've seen what you did one time when I left the room." She says handing me the hair brush. I chuckle and agree starting to brush my daughters hair. After I finish my wife puts her hair up and picks her up. "I think its lunch time. You want lunch princess?" I ask gently tickling her side. Autumn giggles and claps her hands. "That's a yes. Why don't you go down with daddy and I will clean up in the bathroom?" My wife says situating Autumn on her hip.

"Sounds fun. Lets go have some daddy, daughter time." I say taking autumn and setting her on my hip and make my way downstairs with her leaving my wife upstairs to clean up. About ten minutes I hear my wife come into the kitchen. "Hello you two. Ooooo what are you eating princess? Oooo Mac and cheese." She says kissing our daughters head. "So everything good and taken care of?" I ask her as she slides her frame under my arm and holds me. "Yep. What are you making? It smells good. Please don't be Mac and Cheese. I hate that stuff." She says looking at me. "No its not that. Its actually some chicken and rice." I say kissing her head and chuckle. "Yum. Oh thats my phone." She says grabbing it out of her purse and answers it. "Hello?" She asks leaving to the living room so she could hear. "Hold on Katy slow down. What's going on. Your what? No! KATY thats amazing!!! Congrats. Yeah I'll be sure to tell him unless Oliver gets to it first." She says. "Okay. See you guys soon. bye." She says hanging up and comes skipping back into the kitchen smiling.  "What did Katy want?" I ask seeing her smiling. "Your going to be an uncle again James." She says smiling. "Yes!!!! I really hope its a girl this time. Katy needs a break from boys. I mean she has two adorable sons and then she has my brother whos like a giant kid himself. And he's the oldest by thirteen minutes mind you." I say happily and finish cooking. "Oh I hope so too. You and Oliver both act like kids. Just he does it more often." She says smiling and setting her phone down and grabs two plates. "Okay your right about that. I will admit that." I say putting the food on both of our plates. We both sit down at the table to eat but my wife stops hearing her phone go off again. "Hello? Yes this is she. Oh Jenny hello darling how are you? I'm great. Oh ummmm... Let me ask my husband quickly." She says turning to me. "Yes?" I ask "So james, you remember Jenny right?" She asks. "Yeah I do." I say looking at her. "Well I have her on the phone and she wants to know if I could do a summer show case. You know how I did it in decemeber. Well it was such a great success that she wants to do one in the summer. I guess i'm asking if it would be okay if I could do it?" She says. "Sure love I don't see why not." I say smiling.

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