coward // kuga terunori

365 14 1

*check the translation at the author's note below

"[name]-chin~" kuga called out to the female that was busy looking at her phone. he leaned closer to her face, forgetting about the existence of personal space.

they were both just lounging on his dorm room's couch since they studied together earlier. but now that they were done, they sat in a comfortable silence till the male spoke.

"yeah, kuga?" [name] asked, making eye contact with the two-toned haired male.



at this, kuga froze and blushed a bright red. he didn't expect this response. [name] just laughed at him, pinching his cheek afterward.

"say it in japanese next time, coward."

1. 我爱你 (wǒ ài nǐ) - i love you
2. 我也爱你 (wǒ yě ài nǐ) - i love you too

this popped up in my head bc while watching youth with you 2, i suddenly headcannoned kuga to be fluent in chinese since y'know, he specialises in sichuan cuisine

anyways, sorry for the short chapter and lack of updates!! i'll try and make it up to you guys next time :) and thank you for the support!!

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