Fun facts

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So in honor of WandaVision I have created a list about some fun facts about marvel movies and comics.


Vision in the comics has the personality of a hero called Simon aka power man


In the Ultimates Petrio gets shot to death by a gun


In the comics Dr. Strange and Wanda Maximoff are good friends


In the comics Wanda and Vision get a divorce


When Wanda gets married Petrio doesn't approve her marriage to Vision


Wanda has killed Vision many times in the comics


Vision wasn't Wanda's only love Interest, she was also in love with Simon


Tom Cruise was considered for Tony Stark


The Wine bottle in the first WandaVision episode is a reference to House of M


This ones an opinion. Magneto killed Petrio for doing something we all would have done


Magneto had asked many people to kill his son Petrio

That's it for now..

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