Mira: But Ryu, just know that no matter what you are, Human, Dragon, or even a Demon, Fairy Tail would never be the same without you. I would never be the same without you. You just complete everything. You always know how to make things better.

She wrapped her arms around his neck gazing into his eyes.

Mira: Whatever you are, you're still you. Ryu Kaiser, the man I love more than anyone else.

Ryu smiled before running his hand through Mira's hair.

Ryu: I love you too Mira.

They brought theirs faves closer before locking lips.


After about a 30 minute make out session, Mira had gone back to the dorms as Ryu was finally able to get enough rest for the Games.

Ryu: *Yawn* This really isn't gonna be an easy day if I get chosen.

Raito: What is it with you and sleeping late?

Aqua: Yeah, it's gonna cost us one of these days.

Ryu: You know for a damn fact I've won every one on one fight I've ever had.

Keith: I guess but still be careful.

Wendy: I'm just wondering what today's event will be.

Ryu: Well there's only one way to find out.


Aqua: I'm going in and there's no way you can convince me otherwise.

The game for today was called Navel Battle. Now ignoring how odd that sounds a contestant from each team battles in a dome of water. If you get pushed out you lose, and the last one in wins it all. When two competitors remain there'll be a ridiculous rule called the 5 minute rule comes into play. If one person gets knocked out before 5 minutes than only the winner get's points. And as you should know, Aqua legitimately would never pass a chance like this.

Ryu: No objections.

Keith: Go wild.

Wendy: Do you're best Aqua!

Raito: Conveniently this also doubled as a fan service game as all girls are gonna be in bikini's. All except Quintero Cerberus who only have male members.

Ryu: Aqua, if you have any shred of sanity-

Aqua: Get rid of them first I know.

Over at Sabertooth Sting looked at Karma.

Sting: You planning on entering this one?

Karma: Nah, blood and water won't exactly be too good for everyone else.

Sting: Meaning?

Azure: She doesn't want to be put under arrest by killing everyone.

Sting: Hmph, fair enough.

Azure: Anyway I guess it's time you got to do your thing, Minerva.

He looked back to a woman with black hair and emerald green eyes.

Minerva: I suppose it is.

Rogue: Azure, how many times does everyone have to say that we're supposed to address her as M'Lady?

Azure: And how many times do I have to tell you I seriously don't care.

Olga: Dude, seriously, you know masters gonna he ticked.

Rufus: And you know what happens when-

Azure: The old man can go at me forever for all I care. I'll address her with respect when she proves she deserves mine.

Fairy Tail- The Scorching Magma DragonWhere stories live. Discover now