Conflicting Orders (Levi x Reader)

Depuis le début

You balked, unable to believe what he was asking of you. If you agreed, that might mean sitting back and watching your friends die. You could never do that, not in a million years. Yes, Levi would be devastated if you died, but if you abandoned your friends, you would no longer be the same woman that he fell in love with. You would be a coward.

However, you knew that if you didn't agree, Commander Erwin would simply take you off of missions altogether – in which case, you wouldn't be able to protect anyone. Thus, there was only one answer you could give. "Yes, sir," you stated grimly.

Erwin nodded. "Good. Now, you should take care that no one else finds out about your relationship. As long as it's a secret, I can bend the rules for you. However, if it were to become public, I would be forced to act. Understand?"

"Yes, sir," you repeated.


That night, after everyone else had fallen asleep, you snuck to your captain's bedroom and lay down next to him. Levi pulled you close, bringing your head to rest on his strong chest, where you could hear his heart beating beneath his skin. As you relaxed together, his fingers absentmindedly played with your soft hair.

Normally, you would have fallen asleep rather quickly, feeling safe and sound in Levi's embrace. However, your head was still swimming from your conversation with the commander.

"Erwin knows about us," you whispered softly.

Levi's body tensed. He hissed a curse, then muttered, "I should've known he would find out. I'm so sorry, (f/n). Is he –"

"It's alright," you murmured. "He isn't going to punish us, and he won't tell anyone. In fact, he...well, he actually gave us his blessing."

Levi's brow furrowed. "What do you mean, 'his blessing'?"

"He...approves of us being together, I guess." You shrugged, hoping that you didn't have to elaborate any more than that. You didn't want him to know about the orders Erwin had given you.

"Huh," Levi grunted in acknowledgement. To your immense relief, he didn't press further. "I suppose that's good for us, then," he mused, continuing to play with your hair. "Even so, I think we should still keep it a secret from everyone else. Erwin might be willing to cut us some slack now, but if the rest of the military knew we were breaking the rules, he would be forced to do something about it."

"Erwin said the same thing," you commented.

Levi's fingers stilled in your hair. "And you?" he murmured. "Are you okay with that?"

"Of course," you assured him, tilting your head up so you could look into his eyes. "As long as I get to be with you, I'm happy. I don't need anyone else to know."

Levi held your gaze, his eyes searching yours, making sure that you meant what you said. After a moment, he sighed, then leaned down and pecked you on the forehead. "Try not to worry about it, brat. Just get some sleep."

You nodded against his chest, trying to convince yourself to do as he said. After all, it wasn't like Erwin's orders were a new concept for you. You had already spent months agonizing over those same conflicting ideas – knowing that you might have to die for your comrades, but wanting to live for Levi.

He had suffered too much already, and because you loved him, you wanted to make sure that he didn't suffer any more. You wanted to devote your whole life to keeping Levi safe and happy. That meant that he couldn't lose anyone else he cared for, and right now, the person he cared for most was you.

But still, you could never live with yourself if you abandoned your friends.


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