✿ Quarantine ✿ pt.2

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~Song Choice~
Here comes the sun ~ The Beatles

A request by malfoyzzzz

I was in the kitchen when it happened. What for the past hour just felt like period cramps now became stronger. I gripped at the countertop, my knuckles turning white just trying to cope with the pain. "Fuck! Tom!" I yelled. A pair of footsteps and 4 paws came running towards me making sure I was alright. "Y/n? What's- y/n you're..." he paused as I looked down, I was going into labor.

I glanced at his face, a look of terror on mine as he smiled reassuringly. "I'll get the bag, uh we have masks in the car and-" he was cut off by him walking into the other part of the house making it unable to hear his words other then a soft mumbled. I laughed at his enthusiasm and grabbed my phone, picking Derek's contact so he could get willow till we got back. As soon as I sent the text, a wave of pain coursed through my body making me scream.

"Alright darling, let's get you to the car." Tom said, running in with the baby bag. The drive to the hospital was hell, having contractions and being cramped into a car was not a wonderful experience. As we got to the doors, we followed the hospitals guidelines. If giving birth wasn't easy, a pandemic wouldn't make it any harder right? We put on our masks and a nurse came out with a wheelchair for me. "Hello, I'm going to get you into your room. Is there a support person with you today?" A young girl asked. "Y-yes my husband." I said with gritted teeth, trying to suppress the pain as I had another contraction.

The young nurses eyes widened as she saw Toms face, she smiled with her eyes and directed me to my room, Tom pushing me on the way there. As we entered, they took our temperatures and asked us the questions, then left us to be until my water broke.

A few nurses and a doctor came in, telling me it was time to push. "You can do this darling, I'll be right here the whole time." Tom reassured as he held my hand. After hours of excruciating pain and pushing, I felt like giving up. "I can't, fuck I can't do it." I cried, breathless from all of the hours in labor. "You're almost there mrs. Felton, just a few more pushes." The doctor said. My heart raced, the worry and dread of having a kid and potentially messing them up began to fill my head. "I can't, Tom I'm so sorry I can't." I screamed, my throat sore from yelling.

He kissed my hand and moved the hair from my face. "My darling, you can do anything. Remember how I told you that you were going to be a amazing mother? I meant every single word y/n, you can do this." He smiled sweetly. "I'm scared." I sniffled, his blue eyes looking into mine. "It's alright love, remember how we were going to name her Lil after your favorite Beatles song? How you wanted to sing here comes the sun every morning to our little Lilly? You can do this y/n."

As he gave me the confidence, I kept going. "One more! Here she comes!" The nurse smiled. The cries of the baby girl filled the room. A sigh of relief washed over me, as Tom smiled like a fool. "Mr. Felton, would you like to meet your daughter?" The doctor said. Tears began to fill his eyes as he looked down at the new born babe. "Y-yes." He stuttered, full of nerves as he held Lilly's small body against him. "She's so beautiful." He choked with tears of joy.

"I'm going to do everything I can to make you the happiest girl in the world. I promise you I'll keep you safe, and loved your whole live Lilly Rose Felton."

A few hours later, making sure she was alright and perfectly healthy, we finally made our way back home. As I walked through the door, little Lilly in my arms. "Welcome home baby girl."

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