Chapter 23

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I jumped out of the taxi and ran into the rain towards the hospital. I had used my used my life savings to buy a ticket to London. I had come trying to find the guys at their house. Instead I found out Liam was in the hospital with kidney failure. The news said he wasn't going to make it. 

I ran through the rain and into the hospital. I skidded to a stop at the front desk. 

"Liam Payne!"I nearly shouted. The front desk lady looked at me.

"No one but friends are aloud to see him,"she states. 

"My name is Smith. I was on tour with him and the guys. I am very close friends with him. Now tell me the room,"I say impatiently. She opens her mouth to protest but I interrupt her. "Listen here. You tell me the room now before I get mad. I need to see him,"I threaten leaning on the desk. 

"Room 312"she says. I take off running down the hallway. I get to the door and open it. I find a waiting room with a door on the other side of it. In the waiting room is Niall who has his arm around Hannah,Harry who is holding Kay's hand,and Zayn. They all look like they've been crying. I stand in the middle of the waiting room soaking wet.

"Smith?"Hannah asked amazed. Everyone looked at me.

"Decided to come running back did you?"Kay sneered. I looked at her.

"I was wrong. I made a bad choice and I apologize. I promise I'll explain myself later but I have to see Liam,"I say running to the other door. 

"Wait!"I here Harry say but I ignore him and slip into the room. I close the door and turn around. What I see make my heart break. Liam is in the hospital bed with wires hooked up to him. He looks so broken. Louis is sitting in a chair beside the bed. Louis looks up at me.

"You decided to come back,"he states. I study Louis. He looks broken to. Not physically but like his will to go on has been broken. I walk over to him and give him a hug. He slowly returns it.

"Louis,I'm sorry. River doesn't deserve you. She never has and never will. She only broke your heart to get to me. I ran away because it's my fault she hurt you,"I lied. "I'm so sorry,"I said. He nodded. "You'll find the right girl Louis,"I say. He nods.

"Your right,"he smiles. He gets up. "I'll leave you two a alone,"he says. I blush but nod. He walks out. I turn around and look and Liam.

Harry's POV-

I watched as Louis walked out of the room. He looked happier than he normally did. 

"I thought I'd give them some time alone,"Louis says,taking a seat beside Zayn. 

"Wonder what she's doing,"Niall says looking at the door. I stand up.

"What are you doing?"Kay ask. 

"Finding out,"I reply. I walk to the door and crack it a little. I see Smith holding Liam's hand and a tear run down her face. 

"Liam I'm sorry,"she whispers. She looks up at the ceiling.

"Please let me take his place. Please let me be the one in this hospital. Please let me be the one to die,"she says. Who is she talking to? 

Someone suddenly shoves past me and runs into the room. I look up and see it's Danielle. Smith drops Liam's hand. I hurriedly walk back to my seat and sit down.

Smith's POV-

I drop Liam's hand as Danielle barges in. 

"What are you doing here?"she sneers. I just turn and walk out. I just hope the gods heard the my prayer and will let me switch places with him.

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