Chapter 16

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Smith POV-

I felt myself become weightless. Like I was flying. Like I was finally free of life and able to float away. Then I hit the ground.

I groaned and opened my eyes to find myself on the floor. Urgh. Just my luck. I tried getting up. It took me a couple of tries but I managed to get my lazy butt of the floor. I checked the time and saw it was 12:45 at night. 

I had stayed in my room all day feeling sorry for myself. Everyone had tried comforting me and trying to get me out but I refused. Its official. River and Louis are dating. Harry told me through the door. I hate myself. I failed. River is going to break his heart and I can't stop them because Louis would think I was the bad guy here. I really messed up.

I quietly opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. I started towards the kitchen. I hadn't eaten anything all day and I had to admit I was really hungry. 

I walked into the kitchen and what I saw made me stop dead. Liam was standing in the middle of the kitchen with a look of horror on his face. Across from him was a guy holding a knife. My werewolf senses told me the guy with the knife was a vampire.

The vampire threw the knife at Liam's heart. Time slowed down. There was two things on my mind. One was that Liam is about to die. The other is that I'm not about to let that happen. The next I know i'm on the floor. Liam is screaming my name. People are rushing around me. I here someone crying in the distance.

"Please hold on,"is the last thing I here before blackness consumes me.

Liam POV-

I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water. I turned around and saw someone pointing a knife at me.

"What the!"I shout. My glass slips from my hand and shatters on the floor.

"I'm going to kill you Liam Payne,"the person says. I can't see his face because he's wearing a mask but I can tell it's a guy. 

He raises the knife and is about to throw it. I should jump out of the way but I can't. It's like i'm frozen. This is it. I never got to say goodbye. I close my eyes awaiting my death. I open my eyes when it doesn't come. The guy is half way out the window running away. His knife is gone. I was about to run to call the police when I saw a figure on the floor. Smith with a knife in her stomach.

I hear myself scream. I hear the others rush into the kitchen but I don't care. I gently take Smith's body into my arms. I hear Hannah and Kay crying. I hear Louis calling the police but all I can think about is Smith.

"Please hold on,"I whisper to her before I'm yanked away by the ambulance guys.

Breaking the WallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora