Chapter 2

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 Smith POV-

 Kay,Hannah,Lin,River,and I all sat in the room that I shared with the others at 10:00 p.m. I stared at my half full suitcase. I didn't really have many things. When I had had to leave my family on a short notice I hadn't been able to grab many things.

I reached over and grabbed Bessy off of the side table. Bessy was my purple hair straightener. Yes,I named it Bessy. Just don't ask. I placed Bessy on top of my clothes in the suitcase. I reached under my pillow and pulled out Wolfy. Wolfy was my stuffed wolf. Ok,i'm not the best with naming things. I never let ANYONE touch Wolfy. Wolfy was the only thing I had left of my grandmother. Well,beside my witcheness. I carefully placed Wolfy in the suitcase and zipped it.

"I'm all packed,"I stated. 

"Me to,"Kay agreed.

"Me third,"Lin giggled.

"Me first,"we all looked at River. "What?I always come first,"she stated. Kay rolled her eyes.

"I can not believe I am going to meet ONE DIRECTION!"Hannah squealed. Kay's eyes looked like they were gonna roll out of here head.

"I know. I can't wake to break them. Especially Louis. I'm gonna make his heart shatter."River stated gleefully. I froze and looked at her. 

"No River,"I said. She glared at me.

"You do NOT tell ME no,"She said sternly. River is very capable of breaking people. Louis will probably want to kill himself when she leaves. I can't let that happen.

"He has feelings! He is a person! You shouldn't hurt him for amusement!"I nearly screamed. I was really freaked out. This was my worst fear. Someone's life getting ruined because of me. It would be my fault for not stopping River. 

"I don't care. They were sent here to offer us another path and this is my way of turning them down. If you break them,then there isn't a possibility that we will choose the wrong side."

"No,"I said. River got up and strutted to the door. She turned around in the entrance.

"You can't stop me,"she sneered. I walked up to her and looked her in the eyes.

"Watch me,"I said and slammed the door.

Kay POV-

I watched as Smith slammed the door in River's face. Finally! About time someone did it! I was about to congratulate her when she turned around. She turned and I saw the blank expression on her face. Crap! She was shutting us out of her walls. The others noticed to.

"Smithy?"Lin asked. Smith just crawled into her bed.

"Give her time. She'll be better in the morning,"Hannah said. I just nodded. We all crawled into bed and tried to rest for our big day tomorrow.

Smith's POV-

I know I shouldn't shut them out but I'm scared. And telling them I'm scared won't help them any. It'll just make them worried. 

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