"I'm so sorry that you had to wake up in an empty house," I whispered. She buried her face into the nook of my neck.

"It's fine, I just waited for thirty minutes not much. Where were you?" Mia asked, her voice slightly muffled.

"I was at work but now I'm back," I held her tighter. It must have been awful to be in a dark cold house all alone. I bit my lip to prevent myself from crushing her but then a brilliant thought came into my mind.

"I have something for you!" I exclaimed and gently released Mia on the floor. With a big grin on my face, I rummaged through the grocery bags and pulled out a small soft pink rabbit which had the cutest face ever.

Mia's jaw dropped as I gave her the rabbit.

"Do you like it?" I asked nervously while shifting on my feet. "Why aren't you responding? It's bad isn't it? Maybe a bit too pink or too small! I shouldn't have bought it-" My ramble was instantly cut off when the air was knocked out of me. It took me a few seconds to realize that my sister was hugging me so tightly that I had trouble breathing.

"Does- does this mean you like it?" I succeeded in squeaking out.

"LIKE IT?! I LOVE IT! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much! You're the best older sister in the ENTIRE world!" She screamed while jumping up and down. My cheeks colored in happiness and I couldn't help but let out a huge grin.

"It's just a small gift," I shrugged but failed to conceal my smile.

"It's AMAZING! I've been wanting a little pink rabbit for like FOREVER to complete my collection!" She beamed. I hugged her tightly.

"I love you, Mia, your the best little sister ever too," I said sincerely.

"Thanks Pig," she then released me and skipped into our room. I rolled my eyes, she must be adding it to her collection.

Shaking my head, I took out two big bowls and opened the Cheerios box that I bought for breakfast. I poured fresh milk and stuck a spoon in each bowl.

"Mia! Breakfast is ready!" I called out and soon enough she appeared, her cheeks rosy and a huge smile on her face. It was nice to think that I was the cause of her happiness. At least for once I could call myself a good sister.

"Cheerios!" She giggled and grabbed a spoon. After she had fully eaten I picked up our plates and washed them up.

"Come on, we're going to be late for school," I grabbed her little hands and after making sure that I had not left anything important in the apartment, I locked the door and we descended the stairs.

Thank god disgusting bob is not here!

I pulled Mia on my motorbike and gave her an helmet before revving up the engine and zooming down the street. Swerving to escape all the cars, I finally stopped at Bumblebee Primary School.

"Here you go, kiddo. Now zoom off," I smiled playfully.

"Thanks Pig," she smiled up at me before kissing me on the cheek and running off towards her friends. I  repositioned myself on my motorbike before riding down the road. 


I walked down the hall, my head down and my movements brisk. I kept on looking around me for fear that one of the Bad Boys would see me and blow off my cover. All the teenagers that were currently bustling around me, looked right past me as if I didn't even exist....and that was perfectly fine with me.

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