"W-whats a 318?" I ask, Oscar sighs

"A three one eight is an emergency punishment. It's when someone like you, who misbehaves, doesn't understand people's boundaries. It's basically were we turn you into a model student immediately." Oscar says

I feel my eyes fill with tears.

"And that's done by using the main school punishments. Which is, spanking, time out, mouth washing, grounding." Oscar says, the door suddenly flies open and Finley and Andy are there.

"Chiara?! You are kidding me?! 318 on your first day?! Stand Infront of me NOW!" Andy yells, emphasising on the now. I whimper and stand Infront of him and he takes my wrist and pulls me into my room.

"N-no please Andy I don't want I spanking!" I say, he pulls me over his knee after sitting on the bed and he spanks me unbearable hard

"Anddyy! Please! Please stop!" I cry out, he rubs my back and stops after ten.

"Shhh it's okay baby" he says, sitting me up and taking me to the front room. The boys look at me.

"Okay, Chiara, during a 318 you have daily punishments and you have to clean the dorm, cook the food, get to bed at eight. Do extra work, and wash the dishes. No seeing friends outside the lesson, no going to other dorms." Finley says, I look down and nod.

"We don't want to do this, we just need to turn you submissive enough for you to behave" Oscar says. I nod again.

The bell rings "okay, Chiara your need to go to Spanish it's 267"

"I thought I had a free period?" I ask

"Nope, Ashton got it wrong, you don't have free periods." Andy says.

I whine but come out, I make it to 267

"And who are you?" She asks, smiling. I liked her already, she had split dye hair and it was down to her slim waist

"Me Llamo chiara Esposito, y quien es usted señorita?"

"Muy bien!" She says "I am miss foqyu" (fuc-u)"

"Good to meet you." I say.

"Sit wherever darling, you and cc are the first ones here" she says, I sit down opposite cc so we can speak easier. Her eyes were pink. I immediately become frustrated.

"He spanked you?" I ask, she nods.

"How hard?" I ask.

"Spoon and brush." She whispers, I go into my bag and pull out monster and some jelly babies

"Eat, you'll feel better." I say

"What happened with you?" She asks, popping open the monster the teacher chuckles.

"318." I say, sighing

She almost chokes.

"Jeezus Chiara!" She says.

"I know. Gotta clean the dorm after lessons and do double study time with daily punishments so god help me if my older brother finds out." I say, sighing.

"Oh he will, they get a phone call after a 318 is issued." Cc says.

"Damnit" I say, Rich walks into the classroom along with boys who REEK.

"REEEKS! IT REEEKS!" I yell, cc bursts out laughing. Rich stares at me and smirks, coming up to me.

"Hey Chiara, or should I say 318" he says

"Oh shut up" I laugh, hitting his wrist lightly he sits, along with two other boys.

"What did you even do?" He asks

"Oh, sassed ash, got a punishment this morning, almost got into a fight, sassed Brendan and I'm planning on bunking maths" I say

"I'll help if you give me a monster." He whispers, in my ear. I nod.

"Kay' I'll tell Finley I was taking you out shopping for cleaning supplies" he says, I hand him the monster

The Spanish lesson was pretty chilled, we did a word search, luckily I somehow still had my phone

Or unlucky because it rang

"Señorita? May I take this please?" I ask, she nods and I go about outside of the classroom. I answer.

"Chiara Esposito hmm?" A man asks, he had a gruff voice

"Who is this?" I ask, not fazed at all, I got calls like this all the time before I was FRIGGING KIDNAPPED.

"Hmm princess don't need to know right now." He says, okay, maybe I never picked up.

"How did you get my number?" I ask

"Oh sweetie I can see you right now, so beautiful hmm, you'd be perfect for my son" he says, I get a little nervous and Rich comes out.

"Chiara? What's up?" He asks

"We need to leave." I say, ending the call.

"What? Why?" Rich asks

"We've got someone tailing." I say.

"What?" He asks

"I'm being stalked! Come on let's go." I say, rich holds my waist.

"Sweetie, it's okay." He says, I immediately grab his wrist, he grabs mine and lowers me to the ground, I try and shift but it didn't work.

He lifts me up and has a firm grip on my wrist, he takes me down a corridor, down some stairs, down another corridor, up some stairs, a left, a right, and he knocks on the door.

Griff opens it, and has a huge glare on his face when he sees me.

I gulp.

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