Dawn of War III

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Ruby and her friends all gathered themselves inside Team RWBY's dorm for a special time. Since it is the Holidays, they are allowed to whatever they will. Today, they wanted to react to Videos. First up: "Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 3 (or III)"

*Video starts*

"There is a terrible darkness descending upon the galaxy and we shall not see it ended in our lifetimes"

- Inquisitor Czevar

The video first shows a large crater that is currently being filled up.

Yang: That's a big hole.

The first words of the trailer, spoke in a femme voice, "In Darkness...", As the camera moves closer to the crater. Then came a fallen Spacemarine, his body lying on the ground.

Ruby/Weiss/Yang: Woah!

Ruby: That's...

Weiss: Unexpected.

"... I shall be light"

The camera then shows that same marine, his face covered in the scars that defined him, looking to the gigantic statue before him. The statue itself is that of a man cladded in armor, like the marine, carved right onto the stone.

Ruby: That's a big statue.

Yang: Yeah... Really big.

Weiss: The largest thing I could think of is the generator that is protecting the north-east of Anima, or the Atlas Colossus.

Ruby: Still.

"In times of doubt, I shall keep faith"

The sandstorms began to build up as the marine force kneel down with their chainswords pointing down, struggling to hold onto the ground that which they stood as the storm began more vigorous.

Yang: That's a strong sandstorm they got there.

Weiss: There have been records of huge sandstorms, but nothing this intense.

Ruby: I hope we don't have to run into anything like that.

Blake: Yeah.

The Marine looked to the cliffs as a large mass of bodies jumped off, screaming. The massive body stature and shape gave them one conclusion: Orks.

Ruby: That's a lot!

Yang: What?

Weiss and Blake are speechless for the amount of Orks the marines have to face. If Blake have read 40k lore correctly, Orks are generally brutes who love War and won't care who are they fighting.

An Ork is seen grabbing a spacemarine's arm, before tearing it off from the body, blood gashing out. The moment the arm got ripped off, was that they almost gagged. Soon they see Orks going about searching for any survivors.

"In throws of rage..."

One of the smaller Orks get to close and ended up getting smacked by the larger one, but hold onto something that reminds them of a head.

"... I shall hone my craft"

Yang: I'm gonna throw up.

Ruby: Me too.

Weiss: I'm feeling a bit dizzy.

Blake: You're not kidding.

In a mountain filled with holes, an eldar stood, cladded in her armor as she and her sisters ready for battle with a blood curling scream.

"In vengeance..."

The camera pans to show a small Ork, just minding it's own business, until it was shot by the stampeding marines.

"I shall have no Mercy"

Ruby: Poor little guy.

Blake: Then again, they can kill you.

Ruby: Still.

The camera quickly cuts to mega dreads stomping towards the spacemarines. One of the dreads catches onto a marine, while the latter swung his chainsword at the machine. It did little damage, with the machine tearing the marine into two by a saw to the abdomen.

By this point, Ruby pause the video to allow her teammates and herself to use the toilet. After the break, they resume the video.

The dread is then destroyed by the giant wraithknight, walking the plains of the battlefield as the testament to their sheer height.

"In the midst of Battle, I shall have no fear"

Ruby: That is tall!

Weiss: At least it's not as big as the Colossus.

A shell struck the back of the warmachime, causing it to turn around as the Imperial Knight brushes off a giant pillar of rocks, before returning fire with it's mighty battle cannon, along with another Imperial Knight.

Ruby: What?!

Yang: That machine just destroyed a pillar like it's nobody's business. Remember that Paladin fight?

Weiss: Yeah. It took a lot of power to destroy just one of the pillars. These mechs just does it casually.

The Knights continue to barrage the Wraithknight with shells, but one got too close as the sword wielder slashes the Imperial Knight in two. However, it didn't have time for the second, as the Imperial Knight plunges it's mighty chainsword through the taller knight, fire spewing from the back.

Yang: Okay, that's cool.

Ruby: So cool.

The Marine watches as his fate has been sealed. With his last moments, he held his chainsword is a defensive stance, waiting for his end. A smile came across his face as he shall soon be in the heavens.

"In the face of death..."

That same smile still plaster onto the dead marine.

"... I shall have no remorse"

A body is then dropped onto the marine. The camera pans further as more and more bodies fall from the clouds. It finally pans to the crater from the start as the fallen bodies create a roman numeral.

Dawn of War III

Ruby: That was brutal.

Weiss: Exceptionally brutal. But what about the trailer itself.

Ruby: If there is one word I could describe this, then it's: Cool.

Yang: We have all these moments. Ahhh, it feel great.

Blake: Big thumbs up on the animation and textures.

Weiss: And since when you're this detailed?

Blake: Uhh, just now?

Weiss: Oh. I'm more impressed with the giant machines. Except for that smaller one.

They all have options, but that is for another time.

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