Chapter 2 - Integration

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Lar'Ja Awu'Asa. Dark Armor in the common tongue. All humans and Faunus referred to them as Grimm. While they were a challenge to human and Faunus warriors, none were found to be a challenge for any Yautja warrior, even an Un-Blooded. There was no honor to be found in killing them, their body dissipated on death so getting a skull as a trophy was impossible.

After a three-week-long trek from his home towards Beacon Academy, Y/N had set up a campfire which attracted the attention of a group of Luar-Ke Lar'Ja Awu'Asa. Moon Dark Armor, or better known in the common tongue as Beowolves. They were pack hunters, always lead by an alpha. But for Y/N, and practically anyone in his tribe, killing the alpha was an easy job and once the alpha was dead, the other Luar-Ke scattered into the woods, leaving him finally at peace.

Y/N began starting a fire out of sticks he found. He opened the Medicomp on his armor, basically a medkit that contained many essentials to treat wounds and injuries. Y/N got a burner out of it. It was often used as a tool to cauterize wounds or to melt medicine, but it was also handy to start fires. Y/N turned the burner on and held it to the sticks, lighting them aflame. He then proceeded to reach into a pouch he carried around his waist and took out the corpse of a dead rabbit. After skinning and butchering it, he began cooking the meat over the fire. While Yautja could eat raw meat, Y/N couldn't since he was a human. So cooking was a thing that was needed.

He looked up and in the distance, he saw the silhouette of Beacon Academy. He was close, and when he got there he would see if coming there was worth it. After snuffing out the fire, Y/N activated his cloaking device and climbed up into a tree to sleep for the night.

The next morning, Y/N had finally arrived at Beacon Academy, he had made it to the courtyard and the building was unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was very beautiful and a gigantic building. The fountain water also looked very clean, so Y/N decided to fill his flasks on his belt with the water before continuing his walk towards the inside of the building. Once inside, he grabbed the attention of the students he passed, and how could he not? There was this hulking man with a menacing mask and weapons all over his attire walking around the school like he didn't even care that he didn't go there.

It was then that Y/N bumped into Ozpin, the headmaster sipped from his mug of coffee. "I've been expecting you," Ozpin said.

Y/N clicked at him.

"Excuse me?" Ozpin asked, raising an eyebrow. Y/N then opened a device on his arm. After typing in some text in the language of the Yautja, the device started beeping before Y/N ahemd. "I said, have you now?" Y/N said, in perfect Common. The device had translated his Yautja clicks into the common language.

"Indeed. A group of soldiers goes missing, they're found dead with their skulls missing and nothing else. Tall humanoid creatures with metal masks who speak in a clicking language. I knew it was a Yautja immediately, though I didn't expect one to come here." Ozpin said.

"The leader of my tribe told me to come here to see what the teachers at this school have to offer. I always have more to learn, even from non-Yautja teachers." Y/N said.

"Seems like your leader is a smart one," Ozpin said. "So, you want to enter my academy?" He asked, to which Y/N nodded. "Very well. There is a three-person team, I think it should be acceptable that you join their team, yes?" Ozpin asked.

"Of course it is," Y/N confirmed.

"Excellent. Team SSS will be glad to have you, I think."

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