I want to rant really badly so I'll share it with you guys

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So there was this guy. He would say hi to me every time he saw me, he would always highfive me or yell out my name or make a weird face and make me smile. Like he always did something. And we would talk on facebook too. And trust me, there was flirting involved. So one day I decided to grow some balls and tell him how I felt. I chickened out and my friend told him for me. He said "I know" and that was that. He had a girlfriend though...which had never come up before. So whatever, we stopped talking on facebook but he still said hi to me at least once a day. Out of nowhere he started ignoring me...for two weeks. I moved on during that time. He waved at me last week and I waved back without thinking. And that was that. But today (February 4th) he saw me in the hall and said hi, I ignored him. So he said it louder three more times until he was practically yelling to me from like 10feet away. My friend yelled back at him over her shoulder "SUCK A DICK" and he was like "okay" it sounded kinda sad but he ignored me for 2 weeks, am I in the wrong ignoring him now? Like I don't know if him and his girlfriend are still together and even if they aren't, I'm not going to be that 'fall back girl' so yeaa opinions maybe?

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