"... I can't deny that."

On the third day of the special exam on this uninhabited island, we have been through a lot of thing and little by little our class unity has begun to form.

Previously there were differences of opinion regarding the use of class points, now everything has been resolved through discussion.

We have also put our points to good use as much as possible.

Apart from the advantages of existing spot ownership, the benefits obtained from strategic spots are a supporting factor.

It's near a river, there are some fruits growing around the lower reaches of the river, and also we can fish and catch fish if necessary, it's like summer camp.

Of course, there are other spots where the benefits go even better than this.

"Should we join them and have fun too?"

I asked Horikita who was behind me, however, she just shook her head.

"... Just you, I'm not interested."

As usual, I don't know what's wrong with her brain.

"You know, sometimes it's necessary to have a few friends."

"I am not interested."

I let out a sigh seeing Horikita's stubborn behavior.

She always thought that making friends was a waste of time.

In special exams like this, cooperation as a class is the most important thing, you won't be able to do it all alone. No matter how good you are in academics or sports, in the end, you will depend on other people.

I want Horikita to realize this.

Well, it will happen, she will definitely change someday, I just need to push her. For now, I already have some plans in mind, this should work out well, I just have to use Horikita for that.

The brief scenario of the plan in my head was starting to appear. And in the end, everything should be going well.

She got up and returned to the girls' tent to rest.

The night was still long, she definitely wanted the day to pass quickly and get back to the ship as soon as possible.

And I'm alone now....

By the way, there were some students who were sitting alone and securing themselves from the large group.

It wasIbuki and Sakura.

Ibuki is a student from class C.

While looking for wood in the forest, my group accidentally found her, who looked slightly injured on her face due to a slap from a hard object.

She might just be in a fight with her classmate.

Our classes lighten hands and help her, give her shelter and food.

She sat not far from Sakura.

Talking about Sakura, she is one of my friends who can be said to be a bit shy, no, I mean she is really shy and can't talk to other people normally.

She was like a baby bird in a nest afraid to fly against the vast sky.

It takes a strong push to help her thrive, and this role fits perfectly with those close to her.

Sakura glanced at me, her eyes flashing something as if she wanted to talk to me.

She stood up and it looks like she will come over to me.

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