Fear Dearg

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Mythical Creatures

Fear Dearg

Fear Dearg

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The Fear Dearg is another similar version of the leprechaun, in that he is a small creature about half the size of a man. His name is Irish for ‘red man’, given to him because – you guessed it- he dressed from head to toe in red, including a scarlet hat and cloak. He is also usually depicted with long grey hair and a wrinkled face. Like the leprechaun and clurichaun, he is a fan of practical jokes, usually leaning towards the more gruesome kind. His appearance is also a sign of impending bad luck. He visits large houses, where he enjoys warming himself up by sitting next to the fire. If he asks for anything and is refused, he won’t be happy, and the impending bad luck will occur much faster than expected. He is also strongly associated with nightmares, and one his favourite mischievous activities is to replace new babies with changelings. The Fear Dearg is seemingly most active during the winter months, and often found along polluted coastlines or in swamps, marshes and coastal ruins. In some stories, he was originally a human who wandered into the fairy world accidentally, and now attempts to warn others from making the same mistake.


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