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They moved out , quietly .
He barely managed to get a hold of Niki , Tubbo and Tommy to say goodbye .
They didn't understand why he would leave them for Technoblade , the man that destroyed their home , but respected his decision enough to not protest more than once .

The journey was tire some and he began to question whether it was worth it the first time he slept on the cold snow .

Every bad thought he had was quickly erased when Techno laid next to him , apologizing profusely for not finding a better place than the cold snow under the oak trees.

And he forgave him , subconsciously , a fifth time .

The sunrise arrived and they continued to travel trough the snow , having a creeper scare here and there .

"This seems like a good place to start" he looked at where Techno was referring , there was nothing different about it than the rest of the snowy mountains .

"What's so special about it?" .

"The voices like it" the man replied , glancing at him with a pined grin .
He was aware of the disliking the voices had to him , he was the complete opposite of them , always trying to reason with Techno instead of pressuring him into things .

"We should get started then" he took out his axe and left Technoblade with his voices .

He began to chop down the trees in the middle of the clearing , envisioning a house , medium sized , made out of wood and prettied stone .

Labour was relaxing for him , it kept his body occupied while his mind wondered .
Right now all he could think about was Techno , and how the man made him feel .
He felt so helpless around him , he quite literally abandoned everything to be with him .

After clearing the middle he moved onto the closer trees , finding Techno somewhere along the line and sticking to his side , per his request .

It was nice , it really was .

Night arrived again and they made a small wooden box to hide in , placing some torches down and snuggling close .

"I hate how short the days are" he whined , pressing his back flush with Techno's chest , still feeling incredibly cold .

"That's just how things are" the words felt empty , as ha Techno been feeling since they kissed in the vault .

"Are you alright? You're being more distant than usual" he received a nod as a reply .

"I'm just thinking ... Are you mine?" .

"I'm not a object , but I'd say I am ... As long you are mine as well" .

"Oh absolutely" Techno's words came out instantly , afraid if he didn't say them the man on his arms would disappear .

"Then yeah , you're mine , I'm your's " his voice was getting lower , begining to feel sleep pooling in his brain .

"That's amazing" Techno silently thanked the voices for becoming careless whisper , letting him enjoy this happy moment .

They got on the house as soon as the sun came up .
They argued a little of course , he was Ted something simple and cozy while Techno wanted tall house with a porch for Carl .

They decided to go with Techno's idea , just in case .

Once again he disconnected his mind from his muscles , sometimes hearing Techno change something in the design and immediately fixing it .

They didn't talk much besides that , their relationship , if you could call it that , was built in trust and Techno trusted him to stay quiet while he processed everything . His brother had just died , so he figured he would need a break .

They built half of it in a day , finally having somewhere more comfortable to in .

The next day was their last day finishing up the house , and Techno was off to go bring Phil , who'd be staying with them for a while .

He enjoyed his time alone , decorating their room and the porch for Carl , as well as visiting the village Techno told him about , getting slightly lost in the process .
The snow was disorienting .

Techno arrived with Phil when the sun started going down .

He was really happy to see Phil , even if he only knew him from badly written letters and old tales from his sons .
The man seemed happy to see him as well .

Technoblade was slightly fidgety , but he let it go , imagining it might be stressful to bring your dad to the house you share with your lover .

That was not the case , he overhead a conversation between Phil and Techno .
Techno was a wanted man .

It didn't surprise him , all the crimes he had committed wouldn't be swept under the carpet , much less now that he destroyed a entire country .

"Could we have a word Techno?" They just had dinner , conversation going smoothly all around , but he needed to talk with Techno . His voice was sharp , letting his lover know something was up .

"Of course" Technoblade was nervous , you could see it from a mile away .

They walked out of the house , he was leading the way .

"Why didn't you tell me they are looking for you?" Techno looked at him sheepishly .

"Do you think I'd give you up so easily? Where you trying to protect me?" He tried keeping his voice down to not alarm Philza , this was strictly between them , but he didn't doubt Techno would lett his father later on .

"I'm sorry" was all Techno could get out .

Those words again , they where becoming so recurrent they almost lost their meaning , almost .

"I don't care that you're a wanted man " he lifted Technoblade's head softly "but this are things that concern both of us , at least if I'm going to be living with you" it was a offering , Techno could kick him out without having to feel guilty .

He didn't , however .

"I didn't want to put more stress on you , I'm sorry "

"It's alright, i forgive you ... Just , tell me next time "

Maybe sixth time's the charm.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 || Technoblade x male reader || COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora