"It doesn't matter though, I'm going to become the number one hero! I'm going to do it for you, Fuyumi, and natsuo! And for the children also suffering at home in similar situations like ours." Tsuna bit her lip and took a deep breathe as she relaxed, "thanks for talking with me, I should go help Fuyumi with dinner before I get in trouble again. I.. miss you.."

The door sliding open alerted her, she turned her head and saw her fathers tall and built figure standing there, surprise flashing in his eyes. "I'll come back."

"It's fine, I was just finished." Tsuna stated pursing her lips, "dinner will be ready soon." She quickly left not letting the man respond.

"You ready to go?" Fuyumi asked slipping on her shoes, Tsuna bouncing on her heels outside already.

"I've been ready for an hour!" The twelve year old pouted, clearly impatient.

"Alright alright, let's go." Fuyumi smiled and patted the girls head as they took their family's car, their chauffeur nodding at them. "Why is it you are so interested and excited about meeting this woman?"

"Shes strong and independent she inspires me to not let what others say get to me! I know she's not a hero, but she's my hero!" Tsuna rambled, her eyes sparkling. She only acted like this around her sister. She completely adored her sister. Saw her as a mother.

"Very true, so what are you going to do when you see her?" The older girl asked as the pulled in front of the main entrance for the convention.

"Mm, I'm going to ask how she can control her quirk when she's emotional since I have so much trouble." Tsuna blushed as she thanked their driver and exited the vehicle, she held onto her sisters hand so they wouldn't get separated, "it's so hard to control my quirk sometimes. I'm scared I'll hurt someone."

"You won't hurt anyone Tsuna, you are too kind hearted to that."

"That's not what all the kids say.. they say I'm cold hearted and that I'm mean.." She frowned as she squeezed her sisters cold hand.

"One day you will meet someone who will look past all those things Tsuna, and you will find yourself not wanting to lose that person. And when you do, don't push them away okay?" Fuyumi smiled at the girl who huffed.

"Do you have someone like that?" The red haired girl asked, as the walked around the convention until the signing started.

"Mm, I don't know. Maybe." Fuyumi gave a shy smile, a small blush on her face as she thought of a loud and obnoxious girl who had white hair and long rabit ears that she had ran into more then a few times when she was out with friends after her college classes, she seemed to be a hero fresh out of UA.

"Really, who?"

"That's a secret." Fuyumi winked.

"You're no fun, no wonder you're going to be a teacher." Tsuna teased, laughed when she was elbowed in the side.

"I'm plenty of fun!" Fuyumi scolded as she rolled her turquoise eyes."

"Mhm sure."

Hello everyone, signing will begin in conference room 203, please be patient and respectful have a wonderful day.

"Looks like that's our cue little sister, you ready?" The older sister asked as they walked to the conference room.

"Yeah, but now I'm all nervous." Tsuna confided, biting her lip. An obvious sign that she was nervous, well if you knew her well enough.

"It'll be fine," Fuyumi smiled. "Just a little chatting and getting an autograph, then boom it's over."

"Right." Tsuna nodded, as they arrived in the conference room she frowned. "There's so many people."

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