the catacombs.

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CORRA JENTO WASN'T exactly ready to trust strangers, especially not after the last few encounters she has had. An elegant queen, she had hair the color of snow, resembling a cloud, framing her face. She was known for her kindness and compassion. Now, she was shocked, and hurt, by this sudden takeover of her peaceful planet. Seeing this young girl in front of her, she was frightened and confused. Alora obviously was not a droid, and didn't necessarily look like a separatist. So, who was she?

"Hello, your highness.." Alora Nero said softly. She approached the throne slowly, not to further startle the queen. She could already sense how scared the woman was, and Alora did not want to add on to that stress by any means. "My name is Alora Nero. I'm here to rescue you."

Queen Jento was taken aback. Her bright eyes lit up slightly, Alora noticed how they turned to almost a purple color. "Rescue me?"

Alora offered up a small smile, before raising a hand; causing all the restraints to be lifted. "I am a Jedi Knight.."

Corra rubbed her wrists, it was slightly soothing after her skin had been raw from the cuffs. She looked at Alora, with a thoughtful stare. "I wasn't aware the Jedi even knew this had happened."

"The council was contacted almost immediately. And, I am not alone. We will restore this planet to you, m'lady." Alora Nero said, confidence now dripping from her voice. She slowly held her hand out, and helped the queen down from the small platform the throne sat on. "I must get you to safety, first."

Alora found herself sneaking around once again, but this time it was her and the queen going through the halls of the castle. Alora barely had to help in keeping the woman concealed. Corra Jento was furtive. The slightest noise and she was dashing behind something to hide behind- almost catlike.

She turned to the young knight, "If you truly wish for me to be hidden, I can go to the catacombs underneath the castle. I am almost positive they haven't found them yet.."

Alora could sense that the queen did not want to hide. She most likely wanted to stay and fight. Fight for her people, their freedom, and for her rightful place as ruler of the planet. Alora understood her completely, and did not blame her in the slightest. However, she had to follow orders. Regardless of her personal feelings. Any Jedi master she had ever spoken to, has had the same advice. Do not let personal feelings get in the way. Purpose comes before feelings.

Alora brought her wrist up, before pressing the small button and speaking, "Master? I have the queen, and we are on our way to the catacombs underneath the castle. Use the transmitter bracelet to find me."
A transmitter bracelet was something Alora and Lo'ree never went without having on their wrists. No matter what happened, it could always help them find each other. They wouldn't have to worry as long as the other had it on. It was their peace.

"Stay vigilant, young one. We are on our way." Lo'ree said softly, and that was the last bit of comfort Alora Nero was given for the longest of times.

NOW UNDERNEATH THE castle, Alora Nero could feel it in her gut that something was not right. Quickly observing everything happening around her, she could see that things were happening smoothly. Perfect. Almost too perfect. She got the queen out of the castle, almost with ease. No one stopped her from going in or out of the throne room. Now she's almost got her hidden away. Alora knew she couldn't dwell on the possibility of disaster for too long, for it would only hinder her work, and she still had a very important job to do. She took a moment to clear her mindset, like Master Obrinth always instructed her to do, and pressed on.

The catacombs were widespread. They could easily lose a person in them. Alora absolutely had to have faith that the queen knew where she was going, because only the maker knew what would happen if Alora were to get lost.

Small torches lit up the winding halls. It was rather dreary. Almost on every inch of the wall was some sort of passage, in ancient Ordi text. The place was very eerie, yet it seemed like a good enough place for a queen to hide.

The two reached a dead end. Alora saw how Corra didn't seem to be alarmed by this, in fact, this is what she wanted. It's where she wanted to be. "I have reached the end. They will not find me here."
Corra Jento looked down at Alora, in the dim light she could see that the queen's eyes were now back to its normal pink shade. She seemed worried once again, as she was searching for the correct words to say. "I beg you. Please save my people. He has shown no sign of negotiation—without me to guide them, they may give in to his demands. I don't want them to help the wrong side in this war, even against their will."

Alora heard everything she said, but one thing stuck out to her the most. She rose a brow as she gazed up at the taller woman. "He?"

Queen Jento quickly nodded her head, her cloud like curls bouncing, "Yes. Count Dooku."

Suddenly Alora knew exactly why she was feeling so uneasy. The vindictiveness, only of the dark side, was behind this. "Well. That's something I wished I would've known earlier."

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