spiral staircase.

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GIVEN THAT ALORA'S greatest asset was her skill in combat, she was having a difficult time locating the queen. Patience was something she struggled with at times; so not being able to find the queen immediately, was frustrating to the young girl. Normally, her master was the one who found what they were looking for, and Alora would help fix whatever problem there was. Being on her own this time, Alora Nero had a massive weight on her shoulders. However, she knew that she needed to keep her mind and focuses clear. She could sense the swelling tension all around her. Alora knew that she didn't have much time to waste.

Sneaking around to no avail, it didn't help that the castle was massive. She felt like she was in a maze. She would turn one corner only to be met with another. Alora tried not to ponder too much as to why Lo'ree didn't do this herself, or at least come along with her. Perhaps this was a test? She never appreciate being tested during missions, because she couldn't understand the reasoning, but, Master Lo'ree always knew best.
Alora eventually found the throne room; guarded by two lone droids. During Alora's time in the castle, she obviously needed to be very observant. It payed off, because she quickly realized that though there were plenty of droids, none of them were guarding a specific room. This must be where the queen is! The two droids stood tall, blasters perched in their metal hands. Always ready to strike at any given time. They were made for this. At this point, Alora was anxious to get inside. She hid behind a pillar, looking over it every once in a while as she thought of a plan to get past the droids, without causing too much of a commotion, and possibly blowing the entire mission. "Get the queen to safety. Contact Sergeant Hunter. Seems easy enough." Alora whispered to herself. She looked above herself, noting that she could easily take the droids on by surprise-by coming from above. (This was something she learned from working with other Jedi-the most notable being Anakin Skywalker.) A massive spiral staircase connected most of the castle's entirety. The way it intricately twisted around was gorgeous— an off-white color, it had floral designs hand painted on each one. Something else Alora had noticed; every inch of that castle was uniquely designed.

Alora made her way to the bottom of the staircase in a stealthy manner, then she jumped. She used the force to get herself just above the throne room's entrance, before latching on to the side. Gripping tightly to the rails, she looked down below her at the two droids. They had no idea she was coming.
Suddenly, Alora let go of the rails and began her descent back down to the floor. Using the force to act as a sort of cushion to ease her landing, just before her feet hit the solid floor, she kicked her legs out, knocking the blaster's out of the droid's hands.
"Hey! What the-" The droids weren't quick enough to even process what was happening to them; for Alora had already picked up one of the blasters and shot them both where they stood. The knight was pleased with what she had just accomplished, even though it wasn't that big of a deal to some, it was to her. Normally she would've just approached the droids with her lightsaber— that would've been the end of it quickly. However, this time, she had to think of something else to do and she did it fairly quickly.

Looking around quickly, she was relieved to see that no other droids had heard the small commotion. The coast was still clear. She turned to the throne room door, noticing a small keypad next to it. A magnolock. "Oh, well this is just wonderful." She muttered out loud.

Alora pulled her wrist up close to her mouth, pressing the button once more, and spoke clearly; "Master Obrinth? I've got a slight problem."

Immediately, Lo'ree Obrinth's voice was heard. "Is everything alright, Alora? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Master." Alora assured. "I think I know where the queen might be, but, I can't get in. There's no way into this room without a special card to unlock the magnolock."

Silence fell for a few moments, before Tech's voice came onto the com link. "I can help with that. What kind of system is it?"

Alora furrowed her eyebrows, looking down at it, completely baffled. She had no idea. But before she could answer, a faint clanking sound in the distance sent a small wave of panic crashing over her. "Actually, I have another problem. I can't hold off all these droids by myself."

Ignoring her last complaint, Tech explained; "If it's the system I'm thinking of, then you are in luck. This particular magnolock was designed mainly for doors on starships or for cargo, so I know a thing or two about them."—Alora had to roll her eyes, for she was sure he knew everything about them.—"If one is not able to scan a card, there's a few code's that could manually be used. Try; 1-4-5-4-9-8."

Alora quickly typed in the numbers as the highly intelligent man spoke. A red flash occurred, and a error signal popped up. "Wrong code, Tech! Hurry, give me another!" The droid's footsteps were getting closer and closer. She didn't have much time at all.

"2-3-9-7-8-6." Slight panic was now in his voice.

The Jedi knight quickly tried the new code, and the same error message appeared. "Come on, Tech.." She was trying her best not to be scared, but it was increasingly becoming more difficult. She wasn't necessarily fearing for her life; but for the queen's and the well being, the future, of Ordi. She picked up the droid's blaster again, gripping it tightly beside her. At least she was somewhat prepared.

"3-6-3-2-1-9. If that one does not work, then-"

Alora had typed it out before he could finish his sentence. Suddenly, a green flash appeared, and the door whirled open. "It worked!" She exclaimed.

Without a second to spare she stepped inside, letting the door seal shut once more behind her. Before she could even get a good look around, she immediately got a bad feeling deep inside her chest. The room was cold and dark, unlike any throne room she had ever seen before. She knew this was not normally how it is for this planet, Ordi was known to be a happy place. She knew people who used to live here, some Jedi even. All she ever heard were good things about it. The throne room wasn't representing that well at all. Sitting in front of where Alora stood, sitting high on her throne, was the queen. She wasn't very mighty looking, simply defeated. Her hands were on her lap, wrists connected with a pair of stun cuffs. The queen's eyes were filled with sorrow, and a frown was evident on her face from the moment Alora laid eyes on her.

Queen Corra Jento was in complete despair.

𝘚𝘈𝘓𝘜𝘛𝘌→𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora