Save Him

41 1 0

10pm - The Fight

We all stood in a line across the whole street, All For One slightly ahead. We walked forward, scaring people with quirks. I stared blankly ahead. All I had on my mind was:

Blood... Must eat... So hungry...

"Keep up Yagi." All For One turned around.

"Yeah..." I was slipping from his control. Even my powerful craving side hated him. I hadn't realise I had stopped until Shigaraki grabbed my wrist, using his quirk.

"Keep up he said!" He smiled, satisfied he was making me cry out in pain.

"St-!" I couldn't speak.

"Awh... What's the matter? Is it too painful!?" He laughed.

I changed into my muscle form, using spare energy I found within myself.

I roared at him, scaring him half to death. "GET OFF ME!! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME AGAIN OR I WILL BITE YOU AND MAKE IT THE LAST THING YOU EVER FEEL!!" My hands were out, ready to attack. My teeth were sharp with excitement. My eyes glowing a bright red. My own blood dripping from my mouth. "GOT IT!?" Shigaraki pulled his hand away and nodded slowly, he was definitely not expecting that from me.

"Well... Seems you have some anger issues, Yagi." All For One smirked.

"You trying to start a fight with me!?" He pressed the button to try electrocute me. I fell to the ground and laughed. "You really think that will work..?" I pulled a small chip out my pocket. "Were you looking for this!?"

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU-!?" He levitated slightly. Fingers changing to red and black.

"Claws are pretty useful..." I looked up. There were people standing on rooftops. One had flowing scarves around their neck. One had flames. One had wings. They seemed to enjoy the time I spent distracting All For One. Maybe being a hero isn't a bad thing after all...

"I'm done with you!" I moved closer to All For One.

"Really?" Black and red seeped out his fingers, speeding towards me. They stabbed into my arms, legs and chest and lifted me up.

"Aaangh! H-Hey..! W-Wai-!" I cried out.

"Well, well, well... Seems even the craving side of 'All Might' can't withstand this pain." He smirked.

"Get that dirty look off your face!" I ripped out all the spikes stabbing into me and watched as my wounds healed slowly.

"Too bad I can't take these powers away from you.." All For One dropped down onto the ground. "Come on then!"

It's a trap... I changed into a small, black bat with a puff of smoke and flew up to the person with scarves on one of the buildings.

"Where the hell did he go!?" He pointed to Shigaraki, still scared by me changing forms. "You lot go find him now!"

It was who I thought it was! Aizawa was sitting on the rooftop and sat on his shoulder. I made a small squeak. Aizawa!

"Y-Yagi!?" He watched as I changed to a weaker, skinnier looking bat. Shit, didn't know I couldn't hold my muscle form as a bat! I squeaked again.
"It is you, isn't it? Come over here and become normal, let me see if you're injured." I landed on the ground and changed, coughing up blood slightly.

The smoke around me disappeared, Shouta stared back at me. "Aizawa..?"

"Yagi! You're oka-!"

"I'm not the real Yagi..." I looked down. "I'm the craving side of him..."

"The craving side!?" Shouta stepped back. "Weren't you wanting to kill everyone?"

"Yeah... But... All For One forced me under his control... Well- Forced the real me under his control... And I-" I collapsed. I felt pain surge up my chest. I was so hungry... Starving to death...

"Yagi!" Shouta ran over, helping me up. "You're so weak... And you're shaking! How long has it been since you had a proper meal?"

"About... a week... maybe two..? I needed to stay hungry in order to stay in control but... All For One being in control is the shittiest thing ever..." I sighed.

"After this we can get you some food, alright?" He smiled.

"Yes please, thanks..." I smiled back, unaware of the person behind me.

"You're mine Yagi." The rough, deep voice spoke.

Shit! Look out! I turned. Shut up! I know!

All For One wielded a stake in his right hand, ready to stab me.

MOVE YOU IDIOT!! I froze up more, clenching the ground in fear. I-I..! I CAN'T!! My hands were shaking. LET ME CONTROL THEN!! I grabbed my head. SHUT UP!! YOU CAN ONLY CONTROL WHEN YOU AREN'T HUNGRY!! YOU'RE MAKING US LOOK INSANE!! I dug my claws in. I already was insane... As soon as I was made a vampire... The stake moved closer to me and eventually stabbed into my heart.

"YAGI!!!" Shouta ran towards me. Hand out trying to grab me. He was too late...

I let out a cry of pain, tears rolled down my face. This was it... He defeated me... The Symbol Of Peace is gone...

I dropped to the floor, blood escaping my wound. "Sh-Shou-ta..?" I lifted my arm to him.

"Yagi... I'm so sorry...! Dammit this is all my fault!" Shouta grabbed my hand and held it tight, crying into it.

"Yes. It is all your fault. Dumb hero... Can't even stop a wooden object piercing someone!" All For One laughed.

"Shut up you bastard!" Shouta looked at me, my eyes gradually closing. "Yagi... Stay with me... Please..."

"Re...covery... g-gi..rl..." I shut my eyes, my hand fell limp in Shouta's grip.

"Recovery girl! She has to be able to-! But it's his heart... Only... Only All For One could fix it..." He looked to All For One.

"No." He stared at Yagi. His chest still moved up and down slowly.

"I swear you will never hear the name 'Toshinori Yagi' or 'All Might' ever again if you do this!" Shouta smiled, tears running down his face.

"Ugh... Fine! Just... Never let anyone know about this and don't tell him it was me." He started healing me.

"Thank you..." Shouta smiled. I can't believe I convinced the most powerful villain (who absolutely despises All Might!) to heal Yagi!

Shouta carried me back to U.A. he set me down on a bed inside Recovery Girls office. She looked after me, giving me everything I needed.

They really are good friends...

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