Normal Day?

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I woke up in a nice, warm and comfortable bed. 8:57am. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, gripping my left side as pain throbbed throughout my scar. "Ugh... Shit... It hurts more than normal today... I'm sure it's nothing. Just old age..." I slowly pushed my hands forward, pulling off my duvet and pushing myself up to stand. Cold bare feet on the cool tiled floor sent a shiver up my spine. I slowly walked towards the bathroom when suddenly pain surged throughout my body, starting at my scar.

"Fuck! What the hell is wrong with me today!?"

I sat against the chilling, white painted wall.

It's nothing... It'll pass...

I waited and waited for the pain to pass.... Eventually, I woke up, "Shit! Did I pass out!? 10:23am! I have to meet Midoriya at 11am on the beach... I'll be late at this rate!" I pushed myself up, just to fall instantly back down, "Come on!! Move dammit!!" I reached towards my desk. Trying, desperately trying to reach my phone. I only just managed, almost smashed it getting it off the edge.

"Hello?" A young, nervous voice questioned.

"Midori- ack!" I started coughing.

"All Might! Are you alright!?" He sounded as if he was on the verge of tears.

" I'll be okay... Just my side flaring up a bit today. Nothing too serious!" I lied. It was very serious.  The pain was worse. I had to lie! I couldn't tell him! Knowing the boy, he would panic a lot.


"I promise, my boy. Now! I was just calling to tell you I will be late to meet you today due to my side. How about we meet at 12? Get lunch and then walk to the beach, my boy?" I tried steering the conversation away from my side.

"That sounds nice! I'd like that!" The boy sounded excited.

"Great! I'll-" I was cut off.

"You sure you're okay?" The nerves set back in his voice.

"Midoriya! My boy! Of course I'll be okay! I always bounce back!" I tried to be confident but another coughing fit tickled the back of my throat. "A-Anyways! Go... Got... To go! See you later!"

"Yes! Bye! Please take care!" He hung up.

"Shit. That was-" I was cut off by a cough. Blood dripped down my chin and all over my hands. I made the effort to get up but fell once again. "Guess... I have to crawl..." I dragged my weight to the bathroom and started coughing again.

Can't breathe! Can't speak! Can't stand!

Can't                                          Can't
                                    Can't                          Can't


I sighed.

That's not the way to think... I CAN do it! Why? Because I am still here!! I have battled this far! I CANNOT stop now!

With a grunt and a click of my bones I pushed upwards again. I grabbed the sink and pulled my body upwards. Another coughing fit lingered at the back of my throat. I grabbed some water and made sure I would NOT start coughing again. I managed to stop myself... I didn't feel pain. I didn't cough. I didn't throw up.

It's gone... for now...

"All Might!" The young, green-haired boy ran towards me.

"Ah! Young Midoriya! How are you?" I greeted him. He examined my body. Looking up and down. As if he were a dog, sniffing out what was wrong.

"I- I'm fine! What... What about you..? You seemed... Well... Sick..." He began to get nervous.

"Oh! This morning you mean? Nothing too bad, my boy! Just my side acting a bit worse than usual but nothing I can't handle!" I hoped he didn't see through my smile. All the pain that lied beneath it. All the secrets hidden within me.

"I'm glad you're okay! Where were you planning for lunch?" His gaze met my eyes.

"Oh! Um! I'm not really sure, my boy! Why don't you pick. Lunch is on me!" Midoriya started rambling about many different places to eat.

That's my boy.

"How about here!" He pointed towards a sushi restaurant.

"Good choice, my boy!" I followed him in. It amazed me that no one recognised me. Of course, they don't know that I am the real face behind 'All Might.' It's nice not to be trapped by hundreds of fans and reporters.

After we finished eating, we headed toward the beach. It was a long walk away but worth every second. "My boy? What's the time? It seems quite dark."

He pulled out his phone. "2:40pm!"

Already? That really was a long walk. "Thank you."

I stayed with Midoriya on the beach for a couple hours, until it was really pitch black. "That'll do for training, Midoriya. Seems it's quite dark out tonight!"

"Yeah!" He was panting. "You coming back to U.A. tonight?"

"I think I will! It's a long walk back to mine, I'll just stay in the room I have in the dorms!" I walked towards Midoriya and suddenly stopped when a shadowy figure appeared behind him.

"All Might? Is something wrong?" He stared at me with a tilted head.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Who is that!? What is that!?

I started shaking. I froze. I had never frozen with fear before.


Suddenly I ran. Uneven steps as the sand pulled my feet in deeper. "Midoriya! Move! Someone's going to bite-!" I fell right into the jaws of the creature. A bite straight into my right side. My whole body shut down. I was paralysed with pain and fear. The creature disappeared...

"-ight!! -re you okay!? -ll Mi-!" Midoriya shouted for me. I did not respond. I passed out.

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