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⚠️Trigger Warning for Blood⚠️

I woke up with Recovery Girl standing over me.

"Why... so... dark..?" I asked.

"You're a vampire, dear. The light will burn you." She had an upsetting look in her eyes.

"Right..." I felt like breaking down. I could never see daylight... Never feel daylight...

"It seems the scan has shown that your teeth are no longer growing, I injected a tiny amount of morphine in your nerves to numb the pain. Not too much, don't worry." She pat my shoulder.

"So...? I stay... here... until dark..?" I was concerned. Don't want to go out if I would burn to death.

"Afraid so, the light may seriously damage you."

"Right..." I sighed and sat back on the fluffed up pillow. I saw a glint of yellow in the corner of my eyes and turned.

Aizawa? Why is he still here?

He shifted and woke up. "Hey, How are you feeing?"

"I'm... alright... Hard to... talk..." I smiled.

"Thought so." My look changed to confusion. "What's that look for? I bet you're wondering why I'm not teaching. Midnight said she would take the class for me. All the staff know about your condition. You don't have to worry. I'm here to make sure you are alright before we can head back to the dorms."

"Tha...nks..." My smile grew larger. Then it suddenly faded as pain shot through my head.

"How long has it been since you have eaten, Yagi?" Recovery Girl asked. I did not respond. "Yagi this is serious! How- Yagi?"

I grabbed my ears, feeling them stretch underneath my grip.

"Let me see. I'm guessing it's your ears now?"

"Ye- Ack-!" I tried to speak.

"Don't speak." She demanded, "You may lose your voice again. Just signal to us. Yes. I see them growing, they shouldn't take too long. It might be painful for a while but they will stop growing in half an hour or so." She explained.

I nodded in response, putting my hands back over my ears, feeling them become pointy.

"Need anything?" Aizawa asked, concerned.

I nodded and lifted my hand to my mouth and made a drinking gesture.

"I'll be back in a couple minutes." He left the room.

"I wasn't expecting your fangs to be the first to grow in." Chiyo looked in my direction. She sighed. "You will most likely have to live off of blood and vampire foods you can get in some supply stores."

She could instantly tell I hated the idea of biting someone. I jumped, scrambling backwards. Pain shot up my broken left arm.

"A-Ah...!" I lay back down.

"Not fond of the idea? Vampires enjoy biting into the flesh of humans to suck out their blood. There are ways to get around it. For one, biting the forearm will not kill the person. However, bite the neck... you can either transform them or kill them. I'm not sure how it works." She sighed.

I was slowly getting more and more hungry. Aizawa returned with about 5 water bottles, just to keep stocked up. He passed me one and I instantly downed half the bottle.

"Thirsty, huh?" He laughed.

I nodded looking back at him, smiling to thank him.

"Is that a thank you?" He smiled.

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