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I sat on the couch, marking papers from my students. There was suddenly a news flash on the TV.

League Of Villains attacking, noumus released everywhere, stay inside and stay safe.

I shuddered then looked outside. Dark. I could go out. I hadn't yet figured out how to use hypnosis or turn into a bat or use my strength or-

"Yagi, you coming?" Aizawa rushed around, grabbing his hero supplies.

"Me!? What if I- I... What if-!? I don't want to lose control..." I sighed, slumping back into the couch.

"That only seems to happen when you're hungry, you ate a fee minutes ago, right?" He asked as I nodded. "Then come on! You'll be fine."

"Alright..." I ran to my room, suddenly gaining speed, tripping over nothing. "Ah!? What the hell!? I can..? I'm faster? Ugh! Doesn't matter!" Once in my room I grabbed my supplies for a fight. "Dammit! This is far too loose on me! I'll just have to try hold my muscle form a bit longer..." I ran downstairs again. "Ready!"

"Let's go then. You lot stay safe." Aizawa pointed to the kids.

"I'll watch over them!" Iida stood tall and proud.

"Thank you, young man!" I smiled then ran outside to catch Aizawa.

"Do you have any way to get there faster?" He looked at me.

"What!? I... I don't know... I can't turn into a bat yet... I did manage to run much faster when getting my uniform from my room though!" Smoke appeared out my body as I changed form.

"What are you suggesting?" Aizawa looked up.

"Hop on my back, I'll see if I can do it again." I smiled.

Aizawa climbed up and I began running, picking up more and more speed.

Holy shit! I'm so much faster!

After a few minutes, we arrived at the crime scene.

"I can't see shit, Yagi." He looked up.

"Don't like the speed?" I laughed.

"All Might..." A familiar voice called.

"All For One... I thought you weren't going to be here..." I put one foot back, ready to jump.

"Surprise appearance." He grinned. "I know what happened to you... That 'Creature' was part of my team..."

Shit! I knew it!

"Why don't we make it a public situation?" He continued. "Noumu, lock him down."

A creature with a spider body and legs, horns, glowing red eyes and black scales walked closer to me. I tried to back away but instead received a hit by All For One, knocking me down to the ground. I faced up, into the sky. The noumu appeared on top of me, chaining me to the ground.

"What do you plan to do to me, villain!?" I wriggled in the shackles, trying desperately to escape.

"I have a new quirk..." He smiled.

What the hell does that have to do with me being a vampire!?

The time started changing, the moon moved from one side to the other as the sun started emerging. I watched the shadows slowly disappear as the light took over. I tried so hard to scramble away but the chains were too strong.

"You know stabbing me with a stake would be much easier!" I called out to him. "Or holy water! Garlic!?"

"I prefer a slow death. Fans will watch their Symbol Of Peace die..." He stopped the quirk.

The light shined on my body. My clothes smoked as they began to burn. Shit! Make it stop! I wriggled more to escape. The light hit my scar, I hissed in pain, tilting my head to look at All For One. Bastard. The light soon reached my neck, my clothes caught fire. The smell of burning and the pain was overwhelming. I desperately wanted to grab my neck in pain but the shackles held me back. The light reached my face, I whimpered as it hit my eyes. Too damn bright! Then I thought of a plan... I would reveal myself to the world but... I would be free... Smoke slowly engulfed my whole body, the chains grew loose around my wrists as I slid my hands out. Take that All For One! The smoke still covered where I lay as I ran to the shadows.

Huff...                                   Huff...
                    Huff...                                     Huff...
       Huff...                     Huff...

My breathing was heavy, my body burned, I collapsed on the floor and grabbed the back of my neck. A figure appeared by my side, hands came off the body.

"Where do you think you're going?" The figure scratched their neck.

"Sh-Shigaraki!?" I scrambled away and stopped right before landing back in the light.

"You foiled my plans! We were meant to get that boy of yours!" He growled.

"I will not let you near ANY of my students!" I stood, towering over the villain.

"I'm after you now, not your students..." He grabbed my neck, keeping one finger off. "Die." He placed his finger on.

My body fell limp. "AGH!! SHIT!! STOP!!" He removed his hand, allowing me to collapse on the floor.

Shit... Aizawa turned. Toshinori!

Fog filled my head. No! Not now!! Please!! I grabbed my head and started losing control...

"Sigaraki..." My fangs became sharper. "I think you mean... YOU will die!" My eyes turned to slits. I grabbed his arm, he placed it on my wrist. "Ngh! You think that's worse than burning in sunlight!?" I opened my mouth as wide as possible, letting my jaw dislocate and my fangs move down and bit down into his forearm. He let out a cry of pain, pulling his hand away from my wrist.

Aizawa ran into the lane. "To- All Might!" He ran up to me, steadying my swaying body. "You alright?" I stared blankly at him. "Slits... You're lapsing... Come on we need to finish this!"

Aizawa ran out as I grabbed his arm. "Sunlight..."

"Right... Yeah... Sorry..." He looked down, avoiding my blank gaze.

"You scared of me?" I looked at his arm. As much as I wanted to bite it to feast... I fought the urge to do so.

"Kind of... But you seem different than before when you lapse..." He looked up.

"Thought I might as well take the calm way..." I smiled. "Lets finish this!" I ran into the sun, Aizawa tugged my arm, pulling me back into the shade as I hissed at my burns. "What the hell did you do that for!?" I grabbed my burned arm.

"You're a vampire!! The sun burns you, you idiot! You literally just said that-!"

"I- Wait! What is this!?" A black and purple swirl appeared around me. "What's happening to me!?"
It engulfed my body and teleported me. "Aizawa!"

I woke up in a bar, lying on the counter. "Ngh? Where- Where am I..?" I looked up to see All For One. "What did you do to me!? Why did you take me here!?" He said nothing, instead he grinned and stayed silent, enjoying watching me panic.

"Hold still." He injected something into me. "That's better..."

"What was that!? Get it out!! I don't want-!" I paused, a jolt of pain shot up my spine as I was electrocuted. "St... Stop..!"

Shit! I'm losing control over myself! He... He didn't make me a noumu... did he..?

"Let's see then.... All Might, look at me." I looked
"Stand up." I fought so hard not to and failed.
"Very good... You finally obey!" He smiled.
"I'll put you to good use later..."

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