"Theo- how did you know I left the room," Hermione replied, face spreading with irritability at being caught

He smiled lifting himself off the wall to look directly at her "Let's say I had a hunch"

"Oh?" She boarded him "and do tell why I should not go in there?"

His smile grew wider. "My my Hermione so many questions" he stepped closer. His scent radiating around her fragile body. He smelt of something foreign, something exquisite.

"Don't call me Hermione." She hissed

"Do you wish I call you Mudblood instead?" He retorted, eyebrows raised as he leaned his head down facing her, his face well within her eyesight. "Does that word make you feel dirty Hermione, or..." he slightly brushed her arm "does it make you feel something else."

The dreary and barren hallway suddenly felt tighter, as if it were closing in on them. The single flame of her candlelight, useless against the darkness that surrounded them, and his scent. Oh, it was inviting itself to suffocate her lungs. What was it? She thought to herself, mind partially distracted by their closeness.

Her heart skipped a beat, but she allowed it to settle before looking up at him. "Only my friends call me Hermione, and you Theo are not my friend."

He moved back but his features remained in a grin, a grin that promised mischief "Here I thought we were getting to know each other" dragging the last few words, he sighed.

"Why would you think that?" She asked curiously. He did after all work with Pansy to lock her up in this Manor

"Why wouldn't I? You don't see it now but I have a feeling we will get along great."

"No," she said simply, she wouldn't be friends with any serpents.




Hermione's eyes flew wide open

Did he just whine about - about not being her friend?

"No" she huffed and added as an afterthought "stop whining" her lips turning up at his sudden childish behaviour.

His smile grew even wider, "I'm only playing with you." but as he went back into the darkness, his scent still lingered around her. It was purely addicting. She sniffed softly, dazed in the aroma.

"Theo" she spoke again into the dark "why am I here?"

A few moments passed before his voice broke the silence, deeper this time, the sound coursing through her with every word.

"Did you not read the contract?"

"I did" she whispered


"And... what? Why should I believe a word the contract says, ''do you take me for a fool." She hissed softly, fury emitting in her words

"No, but I take you for a corpse seriously what has the Order been feeding you?" He chuckled

"None of your concern"

"Granger by all means the doors are wide open. If you would like to leave, it is most certainly up to you but what the contract states are spellbound, there are no lies. Only the truth."

"Oh that's rich, you're telling me this right here is the truth!" She practically yelled at him, hands angrily grabbing the parchment and ripping it open to reveal What she believed to be an utterly disgusting attempt to manipulate her, use her for their war. But she wasn't on their side, she wasn't a part of the den of vipers or their little court of what she could only believe to be darkness and destruction. No, she was a lion, she was.... was... was

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