An Important Note About Editing

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Reader, I'm finally doing it.

That's right, I'm finally editing & rewriting Post-Its!

2020 has been an absolute dumpster fire of a year, and I needed to have a writing project that's low-stress and low-commitment, so I decided to revisit Post-Its. As someone that has an eating disorder and has struggled with anxiety and depression for quite a while, I wanted to expand on the themes touched on within Post-Its with the perspective that I have now.

This was the first story that I ever finished here on Wattpad, which I wrote when I was fourteen (for reference, I'm 21 now), so I know that I have a lot of work ahead of me to get this story to a point that reflects how I've improved as a writer since then.

My goal is to expand the chapters, provide a little more insight into Lizzie's journey outside of school, and do a better job at representing mental illnesses throughout the book. (Side note, while going back to edit, I realized that I didn't even name my main character in the first her name is Lizzie now.)

That being said, I am still a full-time student, so I won't have a consistent updating schedule, but I'll try and edit them when I can. My very loose goal is to have the edits finished by the end of spring 2021, but no promises.

The story will follow the same general plot, so if you previously read the story, it will still be recognizable as the original; however, I will be fixing and adding some major character depth and growth that the original draft lacks, so I'd definitely recommend reading the edited version to really expand on the story.

As of right now, I've unpublished every unedited chapter, so you'll unfortunately no longer be able to read the complete story until edits are done.

Whether you're new or old, thanks for being here on this journey with me. Hope you all are staying safe and doing emotionally and physically well during the pandemic. 💛


Post-Its (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now