5 | Shut-In [1/2] - Iida x Todoroki

Start from the beginning

Todoroki: No problem. It was nice to talk to you, too, Iida.

Turning off my phone, I expel a faint sigh from placated yet aggravated perturbation piercing my equanimity. "What on earth is he doing...and why?" I audibly query. "Where is he? Has his father been informed of his aggregation of absences? He replied to me almost immediately after I texted him. I should text him during class—even if it would be highly impolite and disrespectful of me. He can't tell me why he hasn't been in class... Not school, but class. Perhaps I shouldn't overthink that. Nothing that would be important or exciting to me... I honestly don't believe I've learned much information from our conversation. All I really know is that Todoroki is alive, he has his phone with him, and he was available to reply to me immediately. If I remember correctly, he would usually take at least fifteen minutes to reply to me before an active conversation started." A barrage of questions rolls over my mind like a brilliant wave of the ocean, yet the impact is enough to rattle my being.

So, now that I'm roughly a half-hour into class and my conversation with Todoroki is a memory from yesterday, I surreptitiously begin to text him while taking notes.

This feels absolutely wrong, I internally sigh. I should have simply asked Aizawa if I would be allowed to do this. Yes... I should have. But I can't back down now.

Me: How are you doing today, Todoroki? Did you sleep well or have a good breakfast?

Yet again, Todoroki replies apace.

Todoroki: I didn't know you were rebellious enough to text me during class. But, yes.

He knows the bell schedule? Or, at least when the school hours are. Off the top of his head, at that. So, it seems he did initially intend to arrive on the first day, or at some point. Unless he memorized when class begins and when it ends. I should text him during lunch. But to get a response about that, I'll have to say something before texting him then.

Me: We've been offered a minute or two to collect our thoughts, but after this, I highly doubt that I'll text you until after school is completely over. Can I ask which the "yes" was to?

Todoroki: Got it. I said yes to both.

Me: Oh, then I'm intrigued. What time do you usually go to bed and wake up at? What do you typically eat for breakfast? I apologize for all the questions, but I have always looked up to you, so my curiosity is piqued.

He takes a moment before replying to me.

Todoroki: I go to bed around 8 and wake up around 6. I eat soba. You look up to me?

Although my brain will likely regret it, I should one day text him around midnight to see if he is awake or not. Soba, though? He always ate soba for lunch. I sincerely hope he doesn't eat soba for dinner as well!

Me: Thank you. Do you eat soba for dinner, by chance? But, yes, I have always looked up to your physical capabilities. Nonetheless, I should go now. I'll talk to you later, Todoroki.

I promptly click off my phone and resume my note-taking. Fortunately for me, I conquered the battle of texting in class while under Aizawa's sharp radar without being detected for the inexpiable crime I've now committed.

After a few hours have passed, I sit at a lunch table with Midoriya, Jirou, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu. I wait for approximately seven minutes and eleven seconds before reading Todoroki's message and shooting him another text message.

Todoroki: Yeah. I do. My physical capabilities, though? They aren't anything spectacular. Bye, Iida.

Me: I know I said I likely wouldn't text you until the end of the school day, but I have a question that I should have asked yesterday: has your father been treating you all right?

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