Start from the beginning

She didn't say anything for what seemed like hours when it was only mere seconds. As her eyes danced between mine, the tears poured out, and her next words had the room roaring with laughter.

"If you don't put that ring on my finger right now, I'm never giving you my virtue." My brows shot up and my eyes wanted to pop out. I pushed that ring on her faster than you can say ring.

She examined her finger with a smile. Her eyes glistened with her tears and my heart swelled. I could not wait to start my life with Cora. She hugged me once again and I held on for dear life. Another round of clapping echoed throughout the room. I knew I never could happier than I am right now.

"Congrats both of you," my father manages to choke out.

"Thanks dad."

My mom was hugging Cora with tears streaming down her face with Tess and her grandmother joining in the huddle. The congratulations went on forever. I was thrilled that my family was so accepting of Cora. Not that I thought they wouldn't. How could anyone not?

Eventually the party was over, and the only ones left were my parents, Liam and his father, her grandmother, Cora, and myself. It took us forever to clean everything up even with a hundred hands. But once done, the house looked more like a house again. There were still some decorations tucked here and there. My mother said to leave them, and she would get them tomorrow. All the food, what was left which wasn't much, was stored or set aside to be taken home by whoever had wanted it.

"Ready to go whenever you are Cor," Liam stated. This caused a frown to appear on my face. I had thought I would be taking her home.

She looked over at me with a frown of her own which made my frown turn into a small smile. Guess she thought the same. "Oh. I thought Max would be taking me," she stammered out.

Liam stared back at her with a smirk as did most of the room. "If that is what you want Cora, it is fine by us," Mr. Slater coughs. "Makes no difference to me. But uh, what about all these gifts?" His eyes roam to the table that is overflowing.

Scratching my head, I knew I would never get all those bags in my car. "Yeah, we may need your car for those." I laughed. Cora shrugged her shoulders with a smirk.

We loaded both our cars after saying bye to my parents and her grandmother. She would be staying the night at my house since it was such a long drive back to her house. Once settled into the car, my mother, the crazy woman she is, shouts loud enough for the dead to hear, "Don't forget protection!"

My mouth dropped, and Cora turned the brightest shade of red ever before hiding her face in her hands. My father turned to look at his wife with shock, he couldn't quite believe she said that either. Her grandmother laughed. I could hear Liam in his car roaring with laughter, considering his car was right next to mine. I shook my head in embarrassment and quickly sped out of there. My father dragged my mother back inside the house before she could do anymore damage.

The ride to Cora's was silent but not uncomfortably so. I think we were stunned into silence because of my mother. I could see from the corner of my eye, Cora chuckling every so often while shaking her head. I reached over the console and interlaced my hand with hers. She squeezed my hand but never met my eyes.

I pulled up to her house with a release of a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. We got out, and she headed straight to unlock her front door. Liam and his dad started bringing over all the gifts from their car. It took a couple of trips to bring all the gifts in. Her living room was full. One couch and half the floor could not be seen anymore.

She stood back and laughed. "I don't think I have ever gotten so many presents in my life. That is birthdays and Christmas combined. I have no idea what I am going to do with most of this stuff. Your mom really went overboard, you know that?" she says with a chuckle.

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