It went silent again. Sokka felt the awkwardness gulp down the room and looked over at Zuko who's faint smile had vanished. He was now blandly staring into his bowl.
"I'm sorry." he said, standing up, "Thank you for diner, it's appreciated." Zuko's let his bowl down and exited the room.

"Katara what is wrong with you?" Sokka shouted, "Can't you see that he's trying?"
"What's wrong with me uh? Well maybe the fact that I still can't trust him! And neither of you can! Yet you still do, as if he somewhat proved that he's someone who can really be trusted. I'm sorry I don't believe him." she answered, throwing knifes by the look in her eyes.
"Maybe you should move on then! He all hurt us! Remember how he chased us around the world, all of us?" Sokka pointed at Aang.
"Maybe he chased us all Sokka, but you weren't the one who got their necklace stolen from him or when I got betrayed back in Ba Sing Se! He had said that he changed too, back then and yet look where this got us! Aang almost-" she cut herself off, her cheeks drowned into her tears.

And it was silent again.

Sokka nodded and left the room meanwhile Aang comforted Katara. He felt incredibly bad, he didn't really mean all he said. But his heartbeat sank into his ears and that's all he could hear. He closed his eyes, and put his palm over his ears, pressing against his head in order to make it stop. Tears came fast, and they flowed Sokka's cold face. It was the only thing right now that felt warm. He let himself slide down the wall and sat down, bringing his knees to his chin and then, he started breathing again.

Dad. How could he have let him down? All of them? They were now in prison because of him. because of his stupid plan to take over the fire nation on that day. Now it was too late, he failed. And everyone probably hated him for it. He wasn't mad about it. He understood.

It was now cold and very very dark. Sokka could barely see anything, he moved too far away from the group and so the fire, where everything was warm. He didn't want to go back now, he couldn't face the silence and judgement of everyone, even less Katara. Idiot, what did you thought?

Well now he didn't know where to go. He didn't have a bedroom, he slept with the others in case there was an emergency. But someone had a room. Could he even go there? Sure, he was friends with Zuko, or at least they didn't hate each other, but could he really go in there and ask to sleep? No, it would be silly. Zuko would probably laugh at his face and he'd be humiliated.

Well then it was the floor. He already made himself comfortable anyways, and it wasn't that cold. He just had to lay down, close his eyes and he'd be warm. Thrilling. He was about to do just that when a hand dropped on his shoulder. He looked up, oh of course, Zuko.

"Hey there." Sokka said, a timid smile made his way to his face.
"Hello. Were you about to sleep... here?" Zuko pointed at the ground.
"Me? No, not at all actually I was going to meditate. Aang says it's good to meditate from time to time y'know."
Zuko rolled his eyes, his hand was still on Sokka's shoulder, "You'll freeze to death meditating over here. Just follow me." Zuko pointed toward his room with his chin.
"Fine." Sokka grumbled. Zuko gave him a hand Sokka took it in order to get up.

They walked in silence. Even if the road to his room wasn't so long, Sokka felt like it took about fifteen minutes to itself. It wasn't awkward however, Sokka just followed Zuko, sometimes he glared at the boy. He admired how he was shaped, how the moonlight caressed his face, giving it a sort of glow.
They arrived in his room, and now it was awkward.

"You can get the bed." Zuko said.
"And where are you going to sleep?" Sokka questioned.
Zuko raised an eyebrow as if Sokka had just asked the dumbest question of his life, "On the floor?"
"There's no way you sleep on the floor, it's cold!" Sokka exclaimed.
"I can heat myself up with my firebending I'm alright."
"Nuh uh, we are sharing the bed."
Zuko's eyes widened, "Are you sure?"
"Well it's or that, or I sleep on the floor since im the guest here." Sokka pointed at his chest with his thumb.
"Fine." Zuko sighed.

They got in bed, each on their side. It was still quite small however, so their backs brushed against each other. "Goodnight." Sokka said. He closed his eyes, hoping that no one would see them in the same bed the next morning. He tried to wipe off what happened this evening from his mind, but with no success. If it hurt him, then how bad did it hurt Katara? He felt the guilt take over himself, his whole body stiffened, and he hoped that Zuko didn't notice-

"Sokka?" Well fuck, "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah I'm doing all right, what's poppin?" What the hell Sokka?
Zuko -thank spirits- ignored the last part, "Uh... Well I wanted to thank you." he said, his voice was shaking a little, Sokka brushed it off.
He turned around to meet Zuko who was now sitting besides him, so Sokka sat up too, "Thanking me? For what?" Sokka tried to look at Zuko, but Zuko was staring down.
"Saying that I'm trying my best." He smiled a bit.
"So you heard." Sokka said, and he felt his cheeks turn red.
"Yea. Will you be okay with your sister?" Zuko asked.
Well Sokka just hoped they'd be alright. He couldn't afford to make another member of his family hate him, "We'll be fine, thanks for worrying." Sokka nodded and went back to laying down. Zuko laid down too.
Sokka just tried to go back to sleep when Zuko spoke again, this time it wasn't really a question.
"You know, I kind of envy you Sokka." he admitted.
"You envy me? Why? I'm just a peasant water tribe guy, I barely have anything." Sokka said back.
"That's not true. You have everything." said Zuko. They weren't facing each other, but Sokka could feel Zuko's body shiver a little. Was he cold? "You have a family that loves you."
"That's not true. I disappointed my dad, he probably hates me now." Sokka replied. Zuko didn't say anything, he probably didn't even know, "The day of the black sun. It was my idea to invade the fire nation, and it was my fault we didn't retreat. Now everyone is in prison and my dad probably hates my guts."
"I'm sure he doesn't."
"And what do you know?" Sokka said a little loud.
"You're right I don't know. But I'm sure it wasn't your fault. You're brave Sokka, trust me I know it since the day we met and you hit me with that boomerang of yours. You didn't give up, you wanted to protect and you did. Your dad is proud of you if anything." Zuko sighed.
Sokka was silent. His heart was pumping loud into his chest and he felt like crying. But no, not with Zuko just behind him.
"You know, the day of the black sun, I stood up to my father." Zuko continued.
"Well it surely went well if you're here in one piece." Sokka joked, and Zuko chuckled.
"It was the first time since I got banished that I stood up to him like that."
"Oh." Sokka let out.
"But this time, he somewhat listened. I said what I had to say, and I realized at this moment that my own father didn't even care about me. He never did, and he never will. It took me a long time to realize it, and I betrayed the people close to me only to please him, and now-"
"Your uncle?" Sokka said, noticing that Zuko had stopped for an instant.
"Yea. I betrayed him back in Ba Sing Se too, and I could never forgive myself for it. He hasn't always been good you know, but he redeemed himself and I plan to learn from him." Zuko finished.
"I'm glad that you didn't turn out to be like your father." Sokka said.
"Me too. But I got a sister who's just like him."
"The one that shoots lightning?" he asked.
"Yea. I wish we hadn't grown apart, I was happy at first when I learned that I was going to have a little sibling. I was only two, but my mo-" Zuko stopped, "People kept telling me how much I was excited."
"I was only one when Katara was born, so I don't remember much of that. But I do remember how it was before my dad left. We were inseparable, we still are, but back then we were like glued to each other. Even when we fought, we always cared for each other at the end of the day. I guess that's just how-" Sokka stopped, almost tripping over his words, "Yeah."
"That's how siblings are." Zuko finished the sentence for him.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean-" Sokka tried to save, but Zuko interrupted him.
"It's alright. Me and Azula were close at first, but then the more she grew the more she was just like my father. I don't blame her for it though, I just wish it would've turned differently." he sighed.
Sokka let out a deep breath, "Thank you."
"Of course."

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