𝖈𝖔𝖔𝖑 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖊𝖘

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Hey, hey, hey. Don't worry, you're safe now.

B-But, my mommy and daddy?!

Um, yeah we'll-

Oh sure, that real blatant hesitation is gonna make me feel so much better! Minus Points!!


The drastic change in the 'little girl's???' voice totally catches you off guard. It finally hit you that these weird paid actors and examiners, you thought that you got too deep into the hero zone to realize. That's when you had to expel off some bad feelings swirling in your chest once you process that she had just doxed some points off you. Cool heroes had to keep their composures. Her voice was rough, like she smoked her fair share of cigarette packs that day. Just how old is she? She was scolding you like a grandmother.

Scared people need confident reassurance. Their emotional state will make it easier for them to pick up on the emotions you're feeling, and if their hero is feeling uneasy how do you think they're gonna feel?

You nod your head, acknowledging the absolute truth in her explanation. You were the hero, you can't show any weakness to someone who already feels weak. It's the most abominable of double negatives. You internally shake yourself off to get back into a hero's mindset, wanting to correct your slip up.

Right. Hey, what's your name?


Yumi, huh? That's a nice name for a brave girl. I'm Agami, and I have to get you to safety. Then, I'm going to need you to keep being brave for me while my hero friends and I find your mommy and daddy. Okay?


Good, we're almost there, so hang tight.

You arrive at the make-shift medical station, passing the girl in your arms off to another candidate. You give her one last look with a reassuring smile, and left the station with your body following the sound of an attack. Your back was far away, facing the girl you had helped, so you couldn't see or hear what the paid actor muttered to herself, a ghost of a smile on her lips.

Agami, hmm...you're gonna turn out alright, aren't you?

Meanwhile, you feel strong vibrations through the ground as your feet slap against the hard environment. You had a giddy feeling rise in you, it reached your face, making you break out in a large grin. You had a pretty good hunch on what caused these waves. You rush to the source and sure enough it was Gang Orca. You couldn't breath for a moment, he was so much larger in person and the menacing aura you felt in battles you watched through a screen didn't do him a modicum of justice. He was way scarier in person. It was absolutely amazing! You had to calm yourself down before you approached, losing your composure and not looking cool in front of Gang Orca would one-hundred-percent be your biggest regret. So, you take a deep breath and used this short moment to asses the situation you were about to walk into. 40, maybe 45 sidekicks were around Gang Orca, and by the looks of it they seemed tough, but not unbeatable. You then scan over and see the intensely rigid guy from earlier and another girl in a blue suit with dark hair throwing attacks at the sidekicks. Well, attempting to throw attacks at the sidekicks was a better way to describe the sight you were witnessing. Those two, without a doubt, were struggling majorly. You had to help them.

𝑩𝑶𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑮 ❶ - { bₙₕₐ. ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪɴꜱᴇʀᴛ} ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin