"You're welcome. Have a great day."

I am supposed to close the door and go back to my desk and finish this day when someone caught my eyes. It's the CEO coming out from the other door!

I can feel the embarrassment I though was gone already stirring inside me. He's not the only one who got out from the other room, there's another man with him.

"That's a funny words from you, Mr. Parkes! I didn't know you're such a clown inside of that expensive suit!" the man chuckles.

My heart is asking me to runaway now while they still don't know I'm here but my brain wins again. I can't find any energy to lift one of my fucking leg.

"When life's been fucking you every day, all you need to fight it was too laught it off." CEO Matthew shooks his head and glanced on my side.

Fucking fuck!

Took three seconds the man noticed CEO Matthew's attention isn't with him anymore. Both of them are looking at me now, but his was more intense than the last one.

We all looked like stupid, staring at each other, wanting to talk but silence is kinda preferable. Good, Cavin! Now look what you've got!

"He's a new face in here. New employee?" the man asks.

CEO didn't respond but cocked his head, I gulped harder. "Good Afternoon to the both of you," I greeten them and took a five counts bow.

After that, the man is laughing and there's a big grin from the CEO now. Come on, don't look at me like that. I'll keep what I saw as clandestine thing!

When I finally got the energy back, I hurried traipse away from them. My fingers are shaking while tapping the elevator button. Please! Please! Don't let me be with him in one place again!

And when it finally opens, I swiftly closed it right away. Stupid, Cavin! You could've run right away!


"Is your friend gonna pick you up?" Damien asked.

"Don't know. He texted me earlier there would be a late meetings so I presume, he's not."

It's already night, and we just got out of work. After the encounter I had from CEO Matthew and the man, there's a lot of papers came so I never got the chance to think about it again.

Frankly, this moment I could think of what I did earlier. Stupid.

"What's funny?"

Oh. "Did I laugh? I just think of something."

"It seems like there's a lot of things running in you that's why you never talk while at work, huh?"

"Am I silent the whole time?"

"I can't tell you. I'm desks away from where you are," he smiles sweetly.

"So how did you tell those words at me? Like you already know I'm not that noisy?"

"When I bring you in CEO's house. And while you're in my office. You barely talk I'm afraid you're planning to burn the building down."

A long laughter escaped mine. "You should be thankful I'm not like that."

"Not talking too much?"

"Planning putting the building on fire." Damien beamed again and put his hand in his pocket.

We were engulfed in silence. I wanted to ask him why he's still not leaving, he has car, he can leave me now. I can just hail a taxi to be home. But the silence is comforting.

This Ain't Normal But I Like You (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now