• Chapter 10 •

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you with someone?" I ask, I remember her with the blonde hair guy.

"What do you mean someone?" She asks confused.

"You know... the one with the blonde hair." I said as I look at her confused, does she not remember?

"Ohh... that guy..." She said like she don't want to talk about it. "You mean Chishiya right? The with blonde hair with the white jacket?" asked Rin.

"Yeah, that's him! Aren't you with him before?" I ask with a curious face why she's not with him.

"Ahh yeah...him...well we just teamed up to find the safe zone that day..." She said, oh it's that so.

"Really?" I ask, she nods at me. "Yeah... I was on the seventh floor to avoid the tagger... Until I saw him and called me...until we somehow teamed up."

Hmm, it seems she's uncomfortable at this.

"It's ok if you don't want to talk about it." I said to her, I don't want the atmosphere getting awkward.

"Ah! No, it's f-fine! It's just I'm not get used to it talking to people yet, I don't socialize that much..." She looks down embarrassed.

"Ah, it's that so... I didn't know." I smile a bit. She look at me and smiled. "It's okay... A lot of people said that..."

We've been silent for a minute while me, I'm still eating my food, and Rin is still looking at me. 'Weird but cute..'

"Why is your hood up?" I ask trying to break the silence between us.

"I don't like to show my face to everyone well...except for my parents." She said in a frown.

"What happened to them? " I ask "Well they went on a business trip. That was the last time I last saw them..."

"But don't worry I feel that they're fine somewhere..." She smiles a bit.

I pat her head, she look at me confused until I realized what I'm doing. I quickly remove my hand from her head.

"S-shoot! I-I didn't mean to-" She cuts me off. "I-It's okay." She looks down avoiding my eyes, I can see her blushing.

I pat her again while looking away, I could feel the blood rising to my cheeks and my heart is pumping so fast.

I never felt this way

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I never felt this way. I wanted to see her face.

"Hey... It's okay if you don't want to do it. Can I see your face?" I ask, I have never been so dumb. There's no way she would say yes it's her privacy after all.

So I respect her for what her answer is.

"I-It's okay Usagi already saw my face while I'm asleep..." She said, she hold the tip from her hood and slowly putting it down her hood.

I only saw her bangs covering her eyes but her bangs is not that thick I could already see a glimpse of her red and blue eyes.

She moves her bangs to the side so I could see her eyes.

I froze for a bit, she's so beautiful her eyes are so calm it's like your staring at the blue sky.

I could see her blush a bit. "Uhmm... Are you okay? It's my face that ugly? Geez, this is so embarrassing..." She said covering her face.

I didn't realize that I was staring at her for that long. I panicked. "N-no it's not ugly I just froze at how beautiful you are." I said, I blush.

What was that?! That's not like you Arisu!

I wave my hands feeling nervous by now. I saw her slowly removing her hands from her face.

"I-I'm not that ugly right?" She tilts her head again at the side. My heart throbs from the cuteness.

"Yeah, your beautiful." I said smiling at her. She look at me shook and smiled at me.

"T-Thank you..."

| Rin's POV |


That's so unreal...

No one ever told me I'm beautiful before... I mean except for my parents, of course.

That's so kind of him, I mean I've never been complimented by someone.

And I didn't tell him about Chishiya being so suspicious, well it's weird that he called me at nowhere. I still don't trust that guy.

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear Arisu ask. "Oh, m-me?? There's nothing to worry about it." I said.

"Hey, Rin... Can I call you Riri?" Arisu ask.


Wait I'm not ready for this...

"A-ahh sure

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"A-ahh sure... I don't mind" I said hiding my tomato face.

My heart pumping so fast I don't know why I decided to ignore it.

"Really?" He said it with excitement. "Well, then Riri it's okay?"

"Y-yeah..." I smiled a bit, so this is how it feels to have a friend.

' I'm glad, I'm having friends. '

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