Race you!

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Your alarm rang for school yet again, the weekend had ended. After getting ready you and Kuroo left for school. Spring was on its way, the pink blossom slowly appearing on the trees.

"Kenma!" Kuroo shouted down the street, you jump at his loud voice and look down the street. You see Kenma just ahead of you two as he turns to Kuroo's voice. Kenma stand and waits for you both to catch up. You make quick eye contact with Kenma, you both look away with pink cheeks. As you catch up Kuroo walks next to Kenma leaving you to walk behind them...

Kuroo walked off to his class leaving you and Kenma to walk together. You look over to Kenma who was staring at his shies as he walked "You're no on your switch this morning?" you ask looking at his bare hands. He looks up to you shaking his head "My mother caught me.." He replies in disappointment looking back down at his feet.

You giggle at him and nudge him gently with your arm "Race you!" You shout with a big grin on your face. You run ahead facing backwards to see if he'd join you.  In your surprise he did, he smiled and chased after you. You raced all the way to class and of course, you lost. Kenma was athletic and you lost your breath from laughing. You were both out of breath, you looked at each other and burst out laughing.

You felt a presence from behind you as you laughed together. "What is this!?" Someone shouted sounding mortified, you and Kenma turned around to see a boy. He was extremely tall with greyish hair, he looked down at the two of you with a shocked and almost disgusted face.

I know this is quite short!

I'm very very very sorry!!!

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