Jin Ling frowned. "You're right. I am worried about-"

He was interrupted when a sudden sound gurgled by the boat's side. Jin Ling stiffened when he noticed the bubbles rippling on the water. Abruptly, the water folded over and a head popped out. A wave of water showered over Jin Ling's body, and coldness penetrated him thoroughly. He sneezed when he saw the familiar face.

"S-Sizhui!" Jin Ling blurted. His eyeballs almost fell out from his sockets.

The said person burst out from the water and rolled into the boat. Sizhui gasped for air. "I almost drowned there. Thank goodness I found your boat."

Shao Qing's face was full of black lines. I know that you did that on purpose!

She coughed, then added, "Please make sure to not catch a cold. I'm rather curious as to how Lan Sizhui managed to fall into the lake when you've been in seclusion for four years."

A guilty look plastered over on Sizhui's face when he heard her last sentence.

Coughing, Jin Ling held a fist to his mouth. "Shao Qing, borrow a towel for Sizhui."

"But Sect Leader Jin," Shao Qing frowned. "We only have one-"

Jin Ling raised his head. "Sizhui is a guest of GusuLan. As the Sect Leader of Lanling Jin, it is my responsibility to make sure that the guests are well taken care of." Hearing that, Shao Qing went quiet. She then fumbled to the head of the boat, pulling a towel over Sizhui's head. "Take it. If it wasn't for our Sect Leader's self-esteem, you wouldn't have this."

Sizhui pressed his wet hair against the towel. He felt warm knowing that Jin Ling cared for him.

"Sect Leader Jin," Sizhui said. "Is it possible for us to talk in private?"

Jin Ling looked at Sizhui for a while before averting his eyes. He appeared strangely shy. "I'm afraid that my schedule for today is completely occupied by work. I don't have time for a private conversation. Perhaps, you'll have to wait for next time."

Sizhui felt that something was wrong, and continued to pressure Jin Ling. He leaned closer to the Sect Leader, so that their faces would only be inches apart. "Please, Sect Leader Jin?"

At the close interaction, Jin Ling's face went up in flames. He blushed. "Personal space, Sizhui. Please."

Sizhui frowned. He remembered that Jin Ling was never so polite before... If Sizhui did such a trivial thing like that in the past, Jin Ling would've automatically pushed him away. "A-Ling..." His face went closer, and their chests almost practically touched until-

The boat flipped.

A burst of water was thrown up into the air from the impact. Jin Ling choked on a mouthful of water, and he automatically swallowed it down. He shuddered, feeling the cold bite his limbs mercilessly.


"Someone help him!"

Everything occurred out from Sizhui's expectations. His eyes widened as he landed in the water. Out from the corner of his sight, he saw Jin Ling struggling to float on the water. Jin Ling's chestnut brown hair became slick and wet from the water, spreading around like ink dispersing in liquid. His fair-skinned face seemed especially pale from the contrast between his dark hair. Additionally, his red vermillion mark appeared unconditionally bright.

Sizhui swam towards Jin Ling, reaching out a hand to hold him. The latter appeared delicate and fragile when surrounded by the water, and Sizhui couldn't help but admire his plainly gorgeous looks; even at a time of danger.

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