at this second, this is not that person, and that's what annoyed him. yet, he can't help but be reminded that this is the person he fell in love with, and this is the person he will surely grow old with.

why were they chasing us?❞ kun began to shoot him with questions, taking this opportunity of him being silent. ❝and why do they even have g-guns? not just them, but you also have-

leaning down, hansol didn't hesitate to have their lips pressed to one another just so he could finally shut him up from asking so many questions instead of being grateful that they still managed to get out of there alive.

also, he may or may have not kissed him for the sake of just wanting to feel his husband's lips.

having one arm wrapped around the shorter's waist, hansol began to move his lips as he was the one who initiated the kiss. but then, he remembered this young qian kun telling him that he doesn't even know how to make out to begin with. and this just proves it, because he was just standing stiff there with eyes closed and hands on the man's chest. he didn't push away, so the consent of letting him continue leading on with the kiss was there.

but the man had to pull away, leaving kun breathless after seconds of them colliding their lips. although it made him confused, the chinese still became a blushing mess because of it. ❝w-why did you kiss me?

the question made hansol scoff, removing his arm from the male's waist. ❝that wasn't a kiss.

with brows furrowed, it made kun lift his head up and look at him. they touched lips, isn't that considered one? ❝what?

hansol just had to have a different meaning to that certain affection, and he even has a smirk as he said it to the younger. ❝a kiss isn't a kiss without a tongue.

that caused for all of kun's insides to tingle, also panicking at what he just heard. leaning back with his back pressed to the door, he was taken aback to see the taller move close to him once more, making him use his hands to put strength in pushing him away. though, he wasn't really meaning to do it as a very microscopic part of him would like to find out what he meant that statement.

a-are we going to kiss again?❞ however, he had to make sure of what's going to happen next. ❝like i t-told you, i don't know how make out. s-so, maybe i won't be able to-

whispering huskily, hansol had no idea the effect he had made with that. ❝kun,

biting his bottom lip, kun only managed to look at him in the eye for a good second before looking away with his cheeks blooming red. ❝h-hm?

nearing close, hansol went for his ear and had his warm breath ghosting over it. ❝you're blocking the door.

heart pounding like a maniac on his chest, ❝o-oh.. sorry.❞ kun gently pushed the man away, enough to give him space to leave and wait by his side.

his shy and embarrassed action undeniably made the corner of hansol's lips to curve up. although, he was too tired to take advantage of this moment and tease him more. as long as he succeeded in shutting him up then that's all there is to worry about. but what made him have to hide that smile is how he felt his husband's hand holding on to the hem of his shirt. the latter may not be able to realize this yet, and even his future self won't listen to him about this trait of his, but he tends to hold on to him whenever he's embarrassed or shy.

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