Human Punching Bag

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As Dana was walking down the street on her way to the hospital, she had an idea. An idea that would solve all her problems. An idea that would break her family's heart. An idea that would save her son, Terrence. The love of her life, the reason she's still alive.

She thought it would be difficult to find someone to ask for it. This time she was in luck. A commotion was seen not far from where she was at. A vengeful man was yelling at a poor old woman. Apparently, she accidentally scratched his car with her walking cane as she was trying to avoid a fast-passing bike.

"Hey, mister! Leave the old woman alone. Just let it pass," she approached them. Playing the hero wasn't in her mind.

"And who are you to meddle in my business?" yelled the man.

Wow! He is a good yeller. If such a word exists then.

"From what I've seen you are about to hit her. Can't you see she looks so frail? Hitting her won't do any justice to your dented car," she took a look at his car and added, "Opps I stand corrected, to your pristine car! It doesn't even have any dent. Have you had a bad day and take it out on her?" hoping he wouldn't ignore her as she was trying to take a rise out of him.

"Don't mess with me, woman! You don't know who you are dealing with!" he gave her a death glare.

I touched a nerve! Success! She glared back at him, trying to provoke him, "So who are you then?"

He came to her in a second and yanked her hand forcefully and shove her into his car. She winced secretly as the action hurt her. She let him drag her. This was her will. This was the decision she had to make.

"You're asking for a death wish. I'll grant it to you!" he said as he started the car. He was exasperated.

The man didn't notice the change in her behavior. She stayed quiet and nervous about what's going to happen next. She felt a tinge of fear as she stared at his grim face. What did I get myself into?

He brought her to his guest house. He dragged her as they went inside. The place was serene, unlike this merciless man.

"It's been a long time since I used a punching bag. How about making you a human punching bag? As you said I had a bad day! Why not take it out on you then?"

He beat her to a pulp. It was the least painful way he could do to a frail young woman like her. Ending her life wasn't his intention. He wasn't hired to kill her but he would give a hefty sum of money she could buy life as his human punching bag. He had an explosive temper and just found a new way to deal with it.

Yuchae Moon
January 15, 2021

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