imagines - holding their hand for the first time

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art by detrituscider (i think they had a twitter at some point but it's since been deleted and i can't find any other social media)


hi everyone! i'm back! i'm writing another long piece and it's taking me a little while so i decided to write some imagines just to get something done :) i love holding hands with people but i've been single for a while so i figured i'd live vicariously through reader and imagine getting physical affection :")

i didn't write imagines for too many characters but if you'd like to see more please let me know!  also this doesn't have a specific gendered reader so please, enjoy!!



- hop is super shy, and he's still warming up to pda because sometimes he feels like he doesn't deserve it (but he does omg)
- you decide to grab his hand when the two of you are strolling through route 1, you don't make it a big deal, you just hold it
- he blushes. like, a lot. he goes so red and hides his face in his jacket, and it's the cutest thing you've ever seen
- but he squeezes back, and continues walking with the biggest, goofiest grin on his face
- he might swing your hands around and squeeze your hand and wiggle his fingers just to remember that this is real, and he's allowed to hold your hand
- he never lets go after that. you two are attached forever
- he is baby and needs to be protecc <3


- like his brother, he's not the best with pda, but it's less from shyness and more because he's a very public celebrity and doesn't want you to face too much backlash
- you respect his wishes so you only show a lot of romantic affection when you're alone
- you two are sitting on the couch watching a movie, and you're leaning up against him, and you decide to grab his hand, you thread your fingers through his
- his hand is really nice to hold :)
- he goes a bit red but otherwise doesn't react much, just kisses the top of your head and goes back to watching the movie
- his charizard makes a big fuss, because why isn't he getting affection? so he lays his head on your hands so that he can get pats


- raihan is big on pda, big on sharing your relationship online (though he respects that you don't want to make every little aspect of your lives known) and big on touches and little physical displays of affection
- so he takes the first step and holds your hand first, approximately two seconds after he asks you out
- he loves your hands, and you love his, so it's a match made in heaven
- he shares a selfie on social media of your hands as a way of announcing your relationship and you like to look at it, it makes you really happy that he really loves you
- he's very touchy so he'll hold your hand all the time
- his hands are really big so sometimes you'll just lay your palm flat against his before threading your fingers together and he finds it really cute


- marnie's a very reserved person and isn't too big on pda, especially not around team yell or her brother
- she's ok with showing affection when you're alone (but you don't get to be alone much, piers is very much a helicopter brother), she's altogether not fussed about being overly romantic or cheesy
- you're not too sure on how to go about holding her hand, so she's the one that initiates it
- you've just had a battle, and when she shakes your hand to congratulate you, she doesn't let go
- you only realise that this is her actually holding your hand because she goes pink and looks away
- it's really, really cute. she's really, really cute :)


- piers is also fairly reserved and doesn't worry too much about physical affection, but really dislikes pda
- i headcanon him as demiromantic, so it's taken a while for him to become comfortable with the idea of dating you to begin with
- you decide to grip onto his arm instead, when you're alone. that way he's not obligated to reciprocate, and it's more comfortable for him
- he just rests his head on yours for a few moments and takes the time to breathe and enjoy your company
- whenever he wants you to hold onto him again he'll silently hold out his arm for you to take, and you find it really funny

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