Yo! I'm not dying that early!

Start from the beginning

More and more of the two adults were more shocked that this is true and all, but again this is only the slice of the cake being the tip of it. The rest is that of a whole another level. For now it all comes around in the circle. Takemi gave the vile to Metis for safe keeping as for not leaving it here being that of a clinic. 

Metis: May I ask one favor of you Mr.Sojiro? 

Sojiro: What would that be? 

Metis: *bows her head quickly* Can we live with you!? we will help you out in any way we can, but please! I wish for big bro not to see us as this might cause him more of a panic and put more stress as it is for him as you already saw the news. Please! we will work for it! you don't need to pay us! just... I beg of you! Metis said as she begging at this point. 

The two adults were conflicted to the young girl wish as Sojiro is already has his hands full with boy who has a criminal record, but then again... what happen in the news, the news that came from this little girl, and all in all from the deep past of with Futaba and her mother. He said-

Sojiro: Alright, but! you better work hard as with your older sister. Can your older sister cook? or can she learn how to speak properly Japanese? 

Metis: *gets off of chair*No, but if she has the right instructions told to her or cook book she can whip it up as with leaning Japanese. Anyways *bows her head as with placing her hands together* thank you boss! 

Sojiro: Please stop, your embarrassing yourself. Sojiro said as he place one head onto his forehead as giving a slight smile. 

From then on Sojiro and took Metis and she explained everything to her sisters and mother what happen along with the deal she made with Sojiro. For that Sojiro let all four live in his house as with sleeping in the living room. But, even with this work has to be made to live in his house and all them worked hard for this coffee man. Again even with this happening Will is still unconscious and soon be told after about two days lets just say a Legend is born along the day he wakes up. A new Legend to add on for that everyone in the city will know of his power. 

(Time Skip to Wrath19 debating on what book to write next RWBY cast watching Gaming Verse or Female Hollow(bleach) x My Hero Academia) 

Will POV

Will: WAHH! *I said as I woke up and see that I'm in Takami Clinic* I got shot and in a medical room in a clinic..... nice-su

Takemi: *comes into the room* It's seems your awake now. 

Will(nervous): O-oh! hello, how long was I out? 

Takemi: About two to three days. 

Will: *stands up as putting his clothes back on* Oh crap! I'm going to be late! 

I ran out the clinic and started to make my way towards the school as I started to make my path way to school. I started to notice that everyone around being anyone giving me the looks of "How the fuck is he alive? am I seeing things? this can't be real? or finally is he a demon!?" yeah these looks were seen by me. 

Will(mind): Why in the fuck is everyone seeing me like that? it's like someone send them a video of me getting shot nine or seven times as with falling off a building? 

Anyways I made to the school and went into the school and reached to my homeroom with rush. Once I slid the door I was about to apologize until looked over to my desk and see.... a small tiny vase with flowers as with a frame of me on that desk...

My mind clicked as this was sign that everyone in this damn city that I was dead!? holy fuck! did I just predicted what just happen!!??

Will(dead-pan): Sup, ..... I'M ALIVE! 

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