Yo! I'm not dying that early!

Start from the beginning

Third POV

Sojiro: So.. *rubbing his forehead* your tell us that this guy is a god damn super solider as with saving your entire family in the process of him containing these nano things? Sojiro said as he in disbelief. 

Metis: Nanomachines. Metis correct Sojiro. 

Sojiro: Yeah, nanomachines and, how he got it? is do to this secret and evil company that was hiding from the world by using some medical brand down at Iran? 

Metis: Yes, but again the worsts cases of this was do to being children. He was only eleven as with my older sister being eleven as well. For us we were just little babies. 

Sojiro: So...  all in all.. what you said is true the  why-

Metis: You think this world would care? Metis said as her tone change serious.

Metis has explained both Sojiro and Takmei about about the huge lie about Will and his nanomachines. She explained that her older sister aka mother Penny about her and Will being test subjects of being super solider or said again test subject. Mostly Metis explained that Will broken free and fought his way through even if he had to kill no matter what there was no choice it was either kill or be killed. Next to nothing she explained that even Will risk himself dying to feed, giving water, or anything into that matter for her and her sisters to survive as he takes the suffering. Metis explained that she is and her other sisters are family related to a rich and retried General of the army as soon as he learned this he saved them including making sure that no one in the world learns of this event. Plus Metis also mentioned that Will even destroyed the world secret base. Anyways back to the three. 

Sojiro: What do you-

Metis: Big bro Will explains that those would have a higher status can just cover it up. Nothing can bring back the dead as those children being stolen, brought by Orphanages, or even found in the streets. You think that everything can be solve by some dumb law? what law doesn't say that Will can fight back? what law says he can't kill because he could die and all of us wouldn't be alive today? tell me.... did we even have a choice in the matter? Metis said as she gets sad and serious as all in all it's all an act. 

Silent was only the answer both grown ups were shocked and even then sad because... there wasn't any choice. The proof is there in Takemi hands being the vile of blood as with the healing factors they saw take place healing his wounds. The only thing happen is that of Sojiro giving a sigh as with Takemi looking at Metis. 

Takemi: Alright we won't tell anyone about this? 

Sojiro: *shocked* Ms.Takemi! 

Takemi: I know it's all too soon and all, but what choice is in the matter. If this is all true we probably have snipers on our heads now Mr.Sakura.  For all we know that we cannot let anyone find out any of this information nor anyone we know. Takemi explains to Sojiro about this. 

Sojiro: *sighs one more time* Agree, but question, how dangerous are these nanomachines? Once more as Sojiro questions Metis. 

Metis: To what big bro said is that of the nanomachine in him are a prototype. What comes he learned that whoever takes the nanomachines in their bodies would only have a thirty percent chance of  survival. Metis explains to the two adults. 

Sojiro(shocked): THIRTY PERCENT!? Sojiro shouted in shock.

Takemi(sadden): My god... how many.... just how many children die in their hands? a thirty percent survival chance is no good as for a child... Takemi said as her voice broke and filled with sadness. 

Metis: Till this day big bro says that the prototype is complete is no more of a prototype as now it's the weapon they always wanted, but again there's no easy road. He says that that percentage may have gone lower do to the changes in his body. Now today survival rating is probably about twenty five percent chance of survival. Metis explains more to the two adults. 

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