Chapter 1

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(Okay everyone, I know it's been months since I've posted any Cassarian, and I seriously apologize for that, I just never had much motivation since my no 1 reader and Wattpad friend left, but now she's back and I'm more motivated than ever!! Also THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR OVER 1K READS ON MY 'CASSANDRA'S SURPRISE RETURN' BOOK! IT MEANS SO MUCH! Anyway, on with the story! And -JXYLINE it is amazing to have you back 😊))

It had been almost 3 years after Cassandra's surprise return, and the time where Cassandra realised what and where her destiny was, she had stayed in the kingdom of Corona ever since, and wasn't planning on ever leaving again.

Varian was now 21 and Cassandra 27. Yes, it was a big age gap, and not many people agreed to it, but they had to remember that there was also a big age gap between King Eugene and Queen Rapunzel.

Varian was currently pacing around his lab, talking to Ruddiger.

"Okay, it's been nearly 3 years since me and Cassie started dating. And on the 3 year mark, I'm going to propose to her at the anniversary party, she'll never suspect it. But I'm so nervous, I don't even know what I'm going to say, or what I'm going to do, or..." Varian said as he began rambling.

Ruddiger climbed onto Varian's shoulder, using his tail as a gag to make Varian stop talking.

He gave Varian a look that clearly said: "Kid, you got this, stop worrying."

Varian smiled at his raccoon companion.
"Your right Ruddiger, I'm wayyy over thinking this...." Varian said with a chuckle as he pulled Ruddiger down from his shoulder.

Hearing a tuned knock at the door, Varian smiled knowing exactly who it was.
"Come on in Cassie!" Varian called, hearing the door open and Cassandra walk down the stairs.

"Hey Var, you almost ready to head to dinner? Raps has sent me personally to drag you up there." Cassandra said with a light chuckle, making Varian chuckle as well.

"Of course she did, and I'm just coming, Rud, you stay here bud, and I'll bring you some food when I come back." Varian said with a smile as Ruddiger chirped happily.

Cassandra smiled and pet Ruddiger.
"Ready to go Var?" She asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Varian said with a smile. (I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it XD)

Varian held his hand out to Cassandra, who gladly took it with a smile as they walked out of the Lab.

"Ah! There you two are, take a seat, you guys are just I'm time for the meals to be brought through." Rapunzel said with a smile.

"Aunt Cass! Uncle Var!" Hayley and Avery said happily when they saw Cassandra and Varian walk in.

"Hi girls, I hope you've been behaving for your mother and father." Varian said with a smile.

"We have!" Both girls said at the same time.

Cassandra smiled at the girls and both Cass and Varian sat down just before the palates of food were brought out and placed on the table.

"Help yourself everyone." Eugene said with a smile.

Everyone was eating happily and Rapunzel spoke up.
"I would like to make a toast, to my best friend, for realising that her destiny wasn't something that was out in the world, but in her heart. I'm so proud of you Cass, and I'm proud to call you my friend. To Cassandra!" Rapunzel said as she lifted her glass, everyone copying.

"To Cassandra!" Everyone said with a smile.

Cassandra chuckled lightly and smiled.
"To me." She said with a smile.

The rest of the evening was spent eating dinner, playing with the twins, and just chatting.

Not long later, Cassandra and Varian decided to turn in for the night, and Rapunzel asked if they could take the twins up to bed whilst her and Eugene helped the maids clean up, the young couple gladly agreeing to take the girls up.

Hayley and Avery got changed, brushed their teeth and got into bed, they were now 7 years old, and Cassandra was amazed with how big they had gotten within the 3 years.

"Okay girls, time to get cuddled up and go to sleep." Varian said with a smile as he gently tucked Hayley in whilst Cass tucked Avery in.

"Goodnight girls, sleep well." Cass said with a smile.

"Goodnight Aunt Cass, goodnight Uncle Var." They both said tiredly as they closed their eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Cass and Varian walked out and closed the door.
"They're such angels." Varian said quietly as they walked down the hall. Varian knew that Ruddiger would be in their bedroom, so he took some food up for him.

"They sure are, I'm proud to be their Aunt." Cass replied.

"They're both gonna grow up to be strong like their beautiful Aunt and super smart like their amazing Uncle." Varian said with a smile as he opened the bedroom door for Cass.

Cassandra chuckled and smiled.
"Of course they will." She said with a smile as she quickly went to the bathroom and got changed, as did Varian in the bedroom before they cuddled up in bed after Varian put the food for Ruddiger on the table.

"Goodnight Cassie." Varian said as he gently kissed Cassandra's forehead.

"Goodnight Var." She replied with a smile as they both fell asleep in each others arms.

(Boom! First chapter done! Second chapter should hopefully be finished tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed! And again, I apologize for the late update.)

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