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Lucy scowls angrily as'she walks beside her companions. Red has her hood up. Marcey is wearing that pointy tipped witches hat. The three girls continue forward along the woodsy trail. They are in deep woods terrain for as far as eyes can see. Itz one of those 'Dark forests of the shadows kind'a places you shouldn't go into. From those fairytales in the old story books.

Red cradles her skull splitting axe like the damned thing is'a baby for christ'sake. Lucy is beautiful as a'snow flake. She is cold like one too.

Marcey trips over her own feet and her brooms fall down in the dirt she says'sorry apologizing when Lucy grabs it up for her and hands the broom over to her graciously. "I'm sorry. I am so clumsy Lucy." She says.

"Itz okay Marcey. I know'you are just'that way. You trip, you fall and get hurt a'lot." Lucy laughs briefly. Marcey does too. Red remains in silent contemplation of the canopy over their heads casting shadows upon them.

"Are you okay Red? I know after what happened with the wolf and everything. You probably don't like dark creepy forests like this one do you?" Marcey asks.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. I don't. I've been on edge since we came here but I'm okay. This is what we do isn't it." Red says to Marcey.

"Dark creepy forests and terrifying monsters that shriek in the night I swear I'm so bored with this plot." Lucy keeps her hands down stuffed in the glove pockets of her peacoat as they continue the dirted trail of this dark creepy forest.

"Did you hear that?" Marcey looks around scared. "Get ready." Red grips the handle of her axe tightly. Her hands are itching to feel the sensation of crushing something's fucking skull under itz weight and immense blow.

Lucy extends her cruxpistol out of her stash pocket and aims it. The broom in Marcey's hand just looks like'a stick off the ground basically. Its barely accommodating enough for her skinny twig legs to straddle it comfortably enough for flying on it.

"Wait, wait, don't shoot!" This little weedevil comes running out. The tiny goblin is hardly a'terrifying monster deemed worthy of slaying by gun and bladed axe. Or by the broom scepter of the witch. Marcey's broom.

"I've been looking for you girls all over I had to take like seven rifts to find you." He says.

"Whut do you want pervert goblin?" Lucy asks him. She puts her shoe on his head and he has to walk away to make her stop. Lucy's presistant smile is wide.

"I have some valuable information that you should here. Regarding the dreadful creature of the night dwelling in this dark creepy forest of shadows." The weedevil they call Pervert declares. "You sure you just didn't come find us to get some pervy skirt shots while we're fighting or buckling our boots or something?" Marcey asks him sticking her face out and heckling him playfully in'a conniving tone of voice.

Red hasn't lessened the grip she has on her axe since his arrival she remains vigilant. Weedevil smirks as he tries to peer under Lucy's half dress the temptation to look when she put one foot on his head was great and he can't resist anymore.

Lucy kicks Pervert so hard he goes face first slamming into'a tree then clatters down to the ground. The three girls laugh, even Red as he gets back up. Collecting himself off the ground good spiritedly after being catapulted by Lucy's boot. As if shot out of cannon for'a circus act.

"That's what you get for being a'nasty pervey little goblin you pervert!" Lucy exclaims loudly and smirking down on the tiny frightful weedevil staring back at her exuding two big yellowish eyes. "I thought I seen some blood coming down your thigh I was gonn'a tell you that you should get'a tampon stuffed up that coochie fast!" Pervert says and quickly ducks repeatedly avoiding the series of kicks and flying fists Lucy throws downwards towards him.

"Go away Pervert! We don't want you coming with us on anymore missions! You just wann'a perv all over us." Marcey eeews him and holds her broom closely. "I promise I won't look up your skirts this time I swear on this tiny little goblin dick." He grabs his cock over his pants and he fails to avoid a'second well executed catapulting kick by Lucy. He goes flying into the woods away from them.

"Nasty little fucking pervert." Lucy says truly disgusted by him and his frequent stalking tactics to find them and tag along for missions. They do allow him to sometimes but not on this day. He's way too fucking creepy in this environment. Weedevils can't be trusted to be on the up and up.

"I wonder what he wanted to tell us?" Marcey questions thinking back on him saying he had some information about'tha monster they are in search of.

"He probably didn't actually know anything. He's just perverted and wanted to tag along again like before." Lucy retorts picking up their pace to make up for their lost'time spent dealing with the perverted weedevil.  

CARNIVAL OF EVIL - ANTHOLOGY COLLECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now