"No." Alex began to scroll down, once he got to Maggie's file he scanned it before looking at the date of birth, "Pierce's birthday—November 22, 1983."

"So, basically, your mom would have been pregnant around...Spring of '83." Allison did the calculation before looking at Meredith, "What was going on in the Spring of '83?"

Seeing the look on their friend's face Alex furrowed his brows, "What?"

"That's when she tried to kill herself." Meredith revealed before getting up as she began pacing back and forth, "It was right after that she moved us to Boston. I mean, I was five. All my memories of Boston are so hazy."

"Do you remember your mom getting bigger?" Allison questioned, as her hand was placed on top of her small belly bump. "And then she wasn't big?"

"Alex, Allie, that whole time was just a blur. Everything that happened after she tried to kill herself was just a blur for me." Meredith said, while Alex scrolled down on the website page, "I don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's just keep on working on Alex's speech."

"I'm not working on my speech. I'm going through the emergency-room admits for Seattle Grace in June of 1983." Alex revealed, typing on the computer.

"What? How?"

"We computerized this like two years ago. How are you on the board and I'm not?" Alex questioned.

Meredith pointed at the screen, "Wait. Right there. There it is." Seeing as Alex was about to click on it, she spoke, "Well, don't click on it, because I'm not—I'm not sure I'm ready to see this."

"Are you ever ready for this stuff?" Alex asked. Meredith sighed before Alex clicked on it causing Allison to scan the screen.

"Patient admitted with wrist lacerations and loss of blood." Meredith read out loud, "Scroll down. Scroll down."

"Beta-HCG came back positive." Allison read from the screen.

"She was pregnant." Meredith sighed.

"Look in the notes." Alex spoke, once he scrolled down.

"Advised patient of pregnancy. Patient was unaware of pregnancy when admitted." Meredith finished reading out loud before raising a brow, "She's my sister."


"Are you okay?" Allison asked Meredith as Alex came out dressed in a suit as he fixed his shirt. "What are you going to do? Are you gonna go talk to her?"

"Well, I called Richard, and he's coming over. Is that okay?" Meredith asked Alex.

"Yeah, sure." Alex agreed, "It's just, you know...we've got this board meeting thing, and I don't want to rush you, but I gotta go get ready and both of you got to be at this meeting, too."

"Alex, you're prepared." Meredith assured. "Your speech is great."

"Yeah." Allison agreed glancing at her friend, "Why are you so—"

"Because I want this, Mer, Allie." Alex interrupted Allison, "You know? I don't just need a job. Yang thought I could do something bigger, and for the first time, I feel like I can, too." Alex sighed, "You know, I-I feel like I should really...like I have something to offer, and I'm scared to death, and I don't want it to go like crap, all right?"

The knocking on the door caused the three of them to look at one another. Alex nodded, "Take all the time you need."

Allison stood up as she walked upstairs, "I'm just gonna be up there, call me when you're leaving."


Once the board meeting was over and they pointed Bailey as the new member of the Board, Allison and Jackson walked inside the attending lounge, so Jackson could change out of his scrubs.

"Where were you?" Jackson asked his wife, seeing as he didn't see her around the hospital and when he asked Jo, she responded by saying she was out sick, "Jo said you were sick, are you okay?"

Allison's heart warmed up by the look on his face, "I'm fine—we're fine."

Jackson let out a sigh of relief, "Good."

"Mer and I took a day to stay with Alex,  Meredith needed us." Allison nodded, as Jackson put on his jacket.

"So, is she going to stop crawling in our bed?" Jackson asked. He wasn't all too happy with Allison giving her a spare key to their apartment, but Meredith had given Allison a key to her house.

"I don't know about that." Allison chuckled making her way to her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I love you for being supportive over that."

"I love you." Jackson smiled.

salvattrre speaks...
this friendship rn >>>

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