16 Roadkill: Part 2

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Molly led us through the woods until we reached a cabin. Molly, Dean, and I walked into the cabin while Sam looked around outside.

"This is it. This is where I saw him," Molly said.

"Must have been his hunting cabin," Dean said, shining his flashlight on tools and a blood-stained table. "Huh. Seemed like a real sweet guy."

"No markers or headstones outside," Sam said as he walked in.

"You're looking for Greeley's grave?" Molly asked.

Sam nodded "Yeah."

Molly shook her head. "Why?"

"So, we can dig up the corpse and salt and burn it," Dean said bluntly.

Molly raised her eyebrows. "Oh. Sure, naturally."

"It's a way to get rid of a spirit," I said.

"And that'll save David?" Molly asked.

"Well, this is what'll help both of you, provided there's a corpse to be found," Sam said.

"So, how do we find it?" Molly asked.

Sam shrugged. "I'm not sure. After Greeley died, his wife claimed the body. And that was the last anyone saw of her. So, good guess she brought him back here. But they had a thousand acres. He could be buried anywhere on 'em."

"So, this is really what you guys do? You're like Ghostbusters?" Molly asked.

"Yeah," Sam said.

"Minus the jumpsuits," Dean said briskly, "This is a fascinating conversation and all, but this highway is only haunted once a year, and we got 'til sun-up to wrap this thing up. What do you say we move it along, okay? Great." He quickly walked out.

I followed behind. "Dean, you've gotta be nice," I whispered.

"Nice? We don't have the time, and I definitely don't have the patience to ease her into this," Dean whispered.

"I know, but try to be a little more understanding," I said.

Suddenly, we heard a scream.

"Come on." Dean nodded at me, and then we took off running in the direction of the scream.

A few moments later, we ran into Greeley with his arm around Molly's neck.

Dean ran up and pointed the shotgun at Greeley. "Whoops." He shot him in the head, and then he vanished into a cloud of smoke.

Sam came running up to us. "Hey! Are you all right?"

Molly caught her breath. "What has that son of a bitch done with my husband?"

"Just take it easy, all right?" Sam tried to calm Molly down. "You're gonna see David again. You will."

"Hey," Dean said, causing us all to face him. He was pointing his flashlight down a gloomy path. "Follow the creepy brick road."

Sam gestured for Molly and me to go first. "Go ahead."

"So, you can shoot spirits?" Molly asked.

"Well, that shotgun actually shoots rock salt," I said.

"That thing shoots rock salt?" Molly asked, looking confused.

Sam nodded. "Yup."

"And plain salt keeps away spirits?" Molly asked.

"Simple remedies are always the best," Sam said.

"Salt is actually a symbol of purity in most cultures," I explained.

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