8. Where did that girl go?

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It had been a couple of weeks since Alex's mother had passed away. Damon had been paying extra attention to Alex in the past few weeks because he was worried about her.

When their mother passed away sure Alex had been upset but not like most people would be. She didn't shed a single tear at Lilly's funeral and she had been quiet and distant ever since.

Stefan at the time was too young to understand Alex but Damon wasn't. He was worried this whole experience might leave a life long scar on his sister, one she would never truly be able to recover from.

Maybe he wasn't wrong.


Alex was running through the woods with Damon chasing her. She loved playing out in the woods, though her father did not approve as it were not something a lady would do, but she didn't care.

Alex could hear Damon yelling her name from a distance but she refused to stop.

After one point she couldn't hear Damon's voice anymore so she stopped and waited for him to catch up.

While she was waiting she heard something behind her, when she turned around she saw a woman with a face quite familiar staring at her from a distance.

Alex let out a loud screech and strated running in the opposite direction trying to catch up with Damon. She ran as fast as she could screaming;

Alex: Damon! Damon! Where are you!

Alex practiclly ran into Damon.

Damon: Al what is wrong? Why were you screaming so loud?

Alex:(stuttering) I...I saw a demon!

Damon: What?

Alex: It looked exactly like mother but it was not her... I am sure of it.

Damon: Alexandria there are no such things as  demons.

Alex: But I saw it.

Demon: You must have seen a tree. Maybe father was right to not want you to come out to the woods....come on let us go home.

Damon lifted his sister up in his arms and started walking back home but Alex knew what she saw.... it wasn't her Imagination.


Alex laid in her bed staring at the celling, thinking back to that day. It was all such a blur that she couldn't even remember if it had actually happened or not.

She barely remembered last night itself. All she could think about was how she had become the monster she had once been afraid of, preying on people, hurting them.

Alex liked being a vampire but she didn't like some of the lows that came with it, like last night.

She was a vampire with issues. Great combination!

She pulled her self out of bed and walked towards her mirror. She never understood why she would lose control like that.

It had happened before last night and she knew it was bound to happen again but she didn't know why. She really never meant harm to any of those people in the bar but she just saw red.

She sat down on her bed again with her head in her hands. She had a splitting headache, it was like some kind of weird blood hangover.

She was glad Damon hadn't told Stefan any of this the last thing he needed was to be worried about another sibling killing people.

He already had a lot on his plate with Vickie dying and Elena so she decided to keep last night's information to herself.

As she was thinking Damon walked in.

Damon: Paying for your sins of last night little sister?

Alex: What do you want Damon? I'm busy.

Damon: Yes clearly.

Alex: Seriously Damon, I'm not in the mood today.

Damon: Alright fine. I'm just checking up on you...... The council is already knows about us we can't do anything that will lead them to us.

Alex: Wow Damon Salvatore is worried about getting caught...thats a first.

Damon: I'm not scared I'm being cautious.

Alex: Alright relax I'm not planning on killing anyone anytime soon.

Damon: I don't think you planned it last night.

Alex: Last night was just.....it was just a bad moment.

Damon: Hmm. Well just make sure if you want to have any more bad moments, you have them away from Mystic falls.

With that remark Damon left Alex alone with her demonic thoughts again.

Alex didn't know what to do, she couldn't even think straight and she figured it wasn't safe for her to be with civilization yet so she decided to go to the one place she enjoyed when she wanted to be alone.


Alex got out of her car.

She was standing at the top of a hill that overlooked a beautiful lake. It was all surrounded by trees and bushes and it was practically abandoned.

That's why Alex liked it so much because no one really went there, it was like her own little place where she went for peace and quiet.

Alex sat down at the edge of the hill. She took in a deep breath and laid down, staring up at the skies she started thinking about her childhood.

Alex had never been the one to fit in. She wasn't like other girls, she didn't like wearing the heavy corsets or going to dances.

Alex liked sitting in her room reading and writing. She liked listening to music and playing rough.

She never liked the idea of marrying a "prince charming" and living out the rest of her life as some house wife. She wanted to travel the world and meet new people. She wanted to play music she had written for the world.

No other girl wanted that which led to Alex not having many friends. She grew up alone, and after losing her mum at a young age Alex barely used to leave her room. Damon and Stefan had to practically drag her out of there.

She liked that though, staying in her room thinking about what life could turn out to be. Dreaming about her future and everything she could achieve.

Alex always figured that was the reason for her episodes and attacks. She was never taught how to deal with emotions and feelings. She didn't know how to interact with people, and all of it became worse after turning.

Once she used to be so full of life and joyful.

Looking up at the sky Alex closed her eyes, wondering to herself;

Oh where did that girl go?


Just a filler chapter to get to know Alex a bit better ❤️

Pls like and comment! See you all next time


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