The Trick

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You kneeled down by the fire and roasted marshmallows, you hummed along with the music that was playing on the raidio. Your friend turned it off and handed you a guitar "C'mon Y/n! Play a song!" She happily said. You sighed and put your guitar into position and started strumming, '(song of your choice)', you stopped and looked around, you herd somone doing the drum parts in the woods. "What's wrong y/n/n? Shy?" Your friend laughed. "No- I herd something..." you got up and grabbed your hunting knife looking for what the drumming was. You found nothing or noone, you shrugged it off and played again. It was time to head to sleep, you crawled into your tent as everyone else slept with their boyfriend or girlfriend. You put your headphones on and listened to calm music, it helps you sleep, you then fell asleep, you woke up to your friends talking, you got dressed and got out of the tent. "Good morning everyone" you gave a smile as they all said good morning in unison. "I need to go to the bathroom.." one of your friend said, she looked around. "I can go with you so you don't get lost" you smiled, she nodded and you two walk into the woods. "God... what's the smell? It smells like shit..." she said in a gross tone. You shrugged "I've smelled worse" you simply said. She laughed "Oh really?", "Not even joking.. I smelled deer guts, it kinda smells like that, a hunter must dump their guts around here" you kept walking. She was surprised "Huh." She stopped and told you to wait on her. You knew she was using the restroom and you obeyed her privacy, you walked around and slipped falling down a hill "Ahhhhh!!!" You scream and your hands stuck into a pool of dead deer bodies, you yelled for help trying not to throw up, everyone rushed over and helped you up and wipes the blood off your hands, you gagged a bit "God this is worse than smelling it...". "You've got blood on your shirt" your brother said  simply. A truck pulled up on the other side of the pool of dead deer and stopped, you couldent tell but you thought it was the same truck from the night before, you brushed it off, you seen a hand in the pile of dead deer. A man got out of the truck and dragged a dead deer from the trunk and tossed it into the pool of deers. "Excuse me sir? What is that" you pointed at the hand, he looked at it for a second and walked over to it and pulled it up, it was a maniquin hand, you felt relieved, "It's a maniquin hand miss" he said, he was a full country guy, you could tell from his accent.

To be continued

Wax Heart (Vincent Sinclair X Reader/Bo Sinclair X reader)Where stories live. Discover now