"I think she's hungry," Scott whispered while rocking the fussing baby. I yawned, nodding while I started unbuttoning the clips on my dress. I then reached for Olivia, "Noah will want to eat too, he hasn't eaten since last night." I mumbled my voice groggy.

Scott nodded, "do you need me to help you with Olivia?" I nodded, sending him a thankful smile. We repeated the motion of stuffing my boob in Olivia's mouth before Scott went to pick up Noah. My baby boy was fussing lightly, letting out little grunts and kicking his legs out.

"He wants out of the swaddle I think," I yawned again, trying to blink away my tired. Scott nodded at me and I crossed my legs so he could lay Noah down on the end part of the hospital bed. "Will you hand me my water when you're done?" I asked, pointing to the tray that was at the foot of the bed, my water bottle sitting on it calling my name.

Scott unwrapped Noah, who stopped fussing the moment his arms were free. He stretched his arms out, his fingers spreading wide as he squinted open his grey eyes. I laughed lightly, smiling at my boy. "Here," Scott handed me my water, unscrewing the cap for me.

I smiled at him in thanks before chugging down a bit of the water. I sighed in content while handing him back the bottle. "How do you already know what they want just by their cries?" Scott asked curiously.

"It wasn't his cry," I explained, "he was kicking his legs, so I assumed he wanted to stretch out. And I was right. You knew that Olivia was hungry before I even woke up, we both have that parental sixth sense I guess." I laughed lightly, Scott joining in with me.

It was quiet for a minute as we watched our babies. It was weird, I felt perfectly content just looking at them. They're just so perfect. "I never took you on a date," Scott broke the silence, his eyes bore into mine as I looked up, confused.

"What do you mean?" Scott shook his head, looking down at Noah. "When we were together, I never took you on a real date. We just started dating and I took you for granted. I didn't take you on a date, Victoria, and I'm sorry."

I swallowed hard, my mouth felt dry as I took in his words. It was true, he never took me on an actual date. We went out to eat all the time, because I had cravings but, most of the time we just hung out and had sex. And when we did plan a date night, it always got interrupted or cancelled.

"I miss you, I miss us." He whispered, looking back into my wide eyes. How do I respond to that? Honestly, I suppose. "I miss you too," I whispered after a moment. Scott gave me a small smile. "Can we try again?" He pleaded, he was begging.

I wet my lips, "I don't," He interrupted me, "just, just let me take you on a date. Not now, obviously but, eventually. And give me your answer after that." I gave Scott a nod, feeling Olivia stop feeding, I looked down to see her eyes closed. She fell asleep.

"Okay," I said, handing him Olivia to burp. I then buttoned up that side of the gown and undid the other side, picking up Noah to feed him next. "Thank you, Tori. I won't mess up this time." Scott spoke honestly while patting Olivia's back, her face was twisted up and I knew she was upset that she got woken up to be burped.

I sighed, "okay." I'll believe it when I see it. My stomach let out a loud growl, which only made me laugh. I hadn't properly eaten since right after I had Olivia and Noah, I guess I got so caught up in them that I forgot to eat.

"You hungry?" Scott asked, smiling. I nodded, "yeah. I really want a burger." Scott stood up, holding a sleeping Olivia. "I'll go get you some food. Will you be okay with them by yourself?" I nodded, unsure, "I guess we'll find out." I laughed lightly. "I'll call a nurse if I need help. Thank you, Scott."


Lydia cradled Noah to her chest as she looked over the baby boy, a small smile on her face. Stiles was sitting next to me, holding Olivia, while I ate some food. Scott left to shower and grab me some stuff from the house that I forgot.

"They're perfect, Victoria," Lydia spoke honestly, sending me a smile. She was bouncing Noah and I could tell he loved it, he was passed out. I smiled at her, yawning as I responded, "thank you."

I took a bite of my pancakes that Stiles brought over and moaned at the taste. They were so good. As soon as I went to cut another bite, Olivia began crying. I sighed, of course right as I get a chance to eat she fusses.

Stiles held her out, away from his body slightly with wide eyes, "did I do something? Why is she crying?" I laughed slightly, "she probably needs her butt changed. Here, I'll do it." I went to reach for Olivia but, Lydia shook her head.

"No, Tori, you eat, I'll change her. Stiles, switch me." Stiles obeyed and took Noah, I watched with an amused smile as he took Noah's little hand and fist bumped it. "Diapers are in the drawer on their bed," I explained, taking another bite.

I quickly finished off the pancakes and checked the clock. It was 10:45 and I had just fed them thirty minutes ago which means... "hey, do you guys mind watching them for a little while I shower? I'll be quick I promise, I just feel so--"

Stiles cut me off, "go ahead, Tori, we'll be fine out here." He turned to Noah and began using a baby voice, "won't we, little Stiles?" I laughed at the nickname Stiles had given Noah. It was actually kinda cute.

I didn't waste any time in getting up and heading to the bathroom, I really needed a shower. I quickly took out my shower stuff, setting them on the shelf in the hospital shower, and I undressed. I turned on the water and waited for steam to begin to rise.

The hot water ran over my body and I sighed in contentment, it felt so good. I knew I didn't have much time, I didn't want to be away from them too long in case they needed something. I quickly washed my hair and my body, enjoying the yummy vanilla scent of my body wash.

I washed over my arms and chest, moving down my sides and getting my back. I looked down as I washed over my stomach. It was weird, I still looked slightly pregnant but, my stomach was mushy instead of hard like it had been. I traced over the multiple stretchmarks that lined my hips and sides. I didn't have any on the front of my stomach, but there were still a good amount else where.

I stepped out after a few moments, shutting the water off as I did so. I quickly dried off and got dressed in my 'mommy' bra, a black tank top and some grey sweat pants. I was glad to get out of the gown they had me in.

My eyes looked over my reflection with a sigh. I had a bruise on my hand from where they put the, whatever its called, in and my eyes had bruises too... well, they weren't bruises, they were bags but, they looked like bruises.

I guess the not sleeping is catching up to me. At first I couldn't sleep because I wasn't with Scott and now I can't sleep because I have two hungry infants. I sighed before pulling up my damp hair in a bun and stepping out of the bathroom.

Scott was back, I could tell he had showered too, his hair was damp and he had on fresh clothes. He looked good. I smiled at him, walking up and placing a kiss on his cheek before I even thought about it.

My cheeks tinted red as I realized what I did, "uh, sorry... my brain is," Scott cut me off with a goofy grin. "You don't have to apologize Victoria." And he gave me a kiss on the head before going back to changing Noah.

I still had red cheeks as I sat down beside my brother, who was back to holding Olivia. Lydia sent me a knowing look, raising her eyebrow as she did so. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. Ugh, this was too much.

A/N: What do you think??? Oh btw the rest of the book won't follow season 4 AT ALL, its basically just going to be some baby stuff and closure of the story line.

Book two is in the works, or well, it's going to be once I figure out a title. Please help me, guys, any ideas for a title?? I'm so lost and stuck.

Also, I have just started school so, updates might get slow but, I plan on doing school during the beginning of the week and then writing during the end of the week, so I can balance both.

Don't forget to vote and comment!! Until next time-- XOXO

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