"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it! Is this your house?" I asked, looking around at the marble stairs and high ceilings. It was so clean and barren it looked like nobody had been living here for months. But he nodded and waved his arms around, walking backward through crowds of people like they were part of his house too.

"Where are your parents?" I asked unsurely. I knew parents didn't traditionally come to parties like this, but it would be a hell of a job to clean up before they got home. There were cups and plates with half-eaten pieces of pizza littering the tables and the marble floors had crushed chips and spilled drinks.

"Gone for the week, and the maid is coming tomorrow. It's almost like they wanted me to have a party tonight." He mocked, as we walked into the kitchen and he grabbed us two cups. I jumped onto his island and pulled my dress down so my thighs weren't directly on the cold marble. He faced the counter covered in glass bottles, cups, and sodas and pushed his hair back from his face as he got to work. The shaggy hair he used to have had completely grown out now, and it rested at his shoulders. I wondered if it ever got caught in his many piercings but thought it would be weird to ask.

I looked around at the people from our school, shrieking and laughing and falling all over one another. I couldn't see any of my friends, so I shot them a text telling them where I was. I thought about texting Asher but decided against it. I'm sure we'd find each other at some point. I went back to people watching just in time to see a girl contemptuously poured her drink on a guy's head, which trickled down to the couch and carpet. I stared with wide eyes.

"You better not leave all this for your housekeeper to clean!" I said, looking at Magnus sternly.

"That's her job!" he argued as he put ice into our cups.

"Oh, so I suppose you're paying her and not your parents, then?" I asked, pursing my lips.

He looked back at me with a smirk and ignored my question in favor of asking one.

"Do you want a screwdriver?" he asked, holding up the cup.

"Umm, yes." I said, lifting my shoulders and making a face.

"Perfect." He laughed, filling our cups and passing one to me. I took a sip cautiously and found that I liked the taste for the most part. There was definitely alcohol in it, but nobody had to know that except for me.

"This tastes like orange!" I exclaimed, licking my lips.

"Orange juice." He held up the carton and gave it a little shake, before walking over to my seat. "And I'm not leaving it all for her to clean, don't worry."

I smiled. I knew he was too kind for that.

"So, what do you do at a party exactly? It doesn't seem like anyone is dancing." And it was true. Despite the large floor and music blasting from speakers, people were mostly talking or swaying cautiously.

"I think they were waiting for you." He said as I sipped my drink. He held out a hand and I realized what he was asking. I downed the cup and grabbed on, letting him pull me out onto the dance floor. He waved a hand at a man who stood talking to some girl behind a table, and the man shot him a thumbs up. Suddenly the lights dimmed further, and the volume rose as a new song came on. It was the kind of thing you couldn't help but move your hips to, so that's exactly what I did. I started shaking and moving and letting Magnus spin me in chaotic circles. Soon people were joining us and moving wildly too. I realized, with an errant flash of joy, that I loved dancing.

"Having fun?" a male voice asked from behind me. I turned around sheepishly and saw Caleb, a red solo cup in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to appear sober. I mostly was. I think.

"The boys didn't want you going alone, and I kind of have a date." He said with a smirk. I was positive that Caleb was normally the one treated like the baby of the family and this was a big day for him.


"Not important." He chuckled. "You have fun! I'm watching. Find me when you're ready to leave!" And with that, he slipped back into the crowd. 

Magnus leaned down close to me and whispered "That was a close call. Good thing he didn't see your drink."

I stuck out my lower lip. "How did you know I'm not supposed to drink?"

He looked at my face and I could've sworn he softened up.

"Remember last time we danced together at a party? I was almost murdered!"

"Oh right." I giggled. "Well, don't worry! I'm still drinking tonight, Caleb or not."

"Thatta girl!" he said, grabbing my hand and throwing me into a spin once more. 

The Survivor (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now