After the Storm

Depuis le début

Y/N: Momo?

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Y/N: Momo?

Momo: The very one

Showing the paper

Y/N: This belong to you maybe?

Momo: Uhhh yeah....

Y/N: Meaning to say something?

Momo: Actually the reason I wanted to meet here is to ask you something...

Mildly blushing

Momo: Would you like to go on a date??

Momo: Would you like to go on a date??

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Props to Matthew Shezmen doe)

Y/N: The fuck.. in all that is holy did she say...


Momo: Whatdya say?

Y/N: I mean shit I'm in no problem

Momo: Yay! Its on then, are you okay with it to be this Friday at 7:00? I know a good place to have drinks and chit chat

Y/N: (murmuring) It better not be that fucking vodka that tastes like piss

Momo: Excuse me what?

Y/N: nothing.... (._ .)

Y/N: Fuck that was close

Momo: This'll be fun, see you on Friday

She smiles childishly at you and makes her way back home in a limo

Y/N: Damn, tough break for being accustomed to horses

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