1. Brewing Storms

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It was the perfect day to be sent off to your new home.

The sky was an unadulterated shade of blue, a light breeze was flowing, and the entire lobby of our housing facility basked in the smell of Hydrangeas that grew in clusters everywhere- basically, an amazing spring day.

Everything should be alright, correct?

It wasn't. I was sweating like a pig in the Roman-esqe Bathhouse- a sauna really- that our training facility provided, where I had been dragged off to by Neo, my best friend.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love me a self-care day anytime. It's just, the point of getting shivers of revulsion from beads of sweat running down forbidden places is beyond me. Like, how could you relax with a sweaty butt crack?

But Neo had tried to convince me saying that I needed to look good to make a good first impression to my parents, to which I replied that I had already made a first impression when I had been yeeted into the world and that had involved a lot of crying.

She was still a persistent ass and I had decided to give in.

Probably the main reason I was feeling so reluctant to do anything other than sit on my bed in a hoodie and watch movies was because I was scared. I was scared that my family wouldn't like a scarred, tattooed, sarcastic to the point of being rude- not my words- version of me. What if they don't want me? Where would I go then?

What didn't help the matters was that this was also going to be the first time I was going out of the Government Compound.

The recruits were not allowed to go out during the training period. The instructors say that it will distract us from our training and our already shoddy discipline levels will downgrade further.

The only times I had heard about the outer world was when we were being taught about it.

Let that sink in: we were being taught about the finer workings of a world we hadn't ever stepped into and probably wouldn't get to see a lot of. Some of the nerdier kids would say shit about preparation, safety blah, blah, blah; but I believed in learning from one's own experiences.

Still, I never slacked off. I wanted to be the best at whatever I did because we had been told that our parents could reject us if they did not like how we turned out.

And there wasn't much difference between their rejection and Satan's lovely abode.

Yes, it was possible to be rejected by your very own parents. What happened to those kids was yet to be known, but I've heard stories of kids who went missing or were abducted in plain sight while no one lifted a finger to help them. Our instructor, Will had told so. He had said it in a very disgusted tone, implying that the irony that kids were kidnapped in front of veteran soldiers and trained personnel wasn't lost on him. But those kids kind of became invisible. If no one is ready to vouch for you, you're an incompetent nobody who doesn't even deserve an identity.

So, I guess you see why I don't want to be rejected.

Leaving Neo to enjoy her buttcrack bath, I went into the locker room, changed into my comfortable t-shirt and joggers and left.

Walking into my dorm, I saw a familiar sight- a tall boy in an army jacket and black denims with tousled black hair and icy blue eyes hidden behind his shades.

That didn't really hide the way his eyes were checking me out. I mean, we were trained to notice even the tiniest movements.

That's my boyfriend- Kyle.

We started dating around the time we were 17. We had seen each other here and there during training but had never exchanged more than polite words. In the summer of that year, we met at a party that was being hosted by Queezo- he was known as señor de las fiestas- Lord of Parties - and we had immediately bonded. By which I mean, we were too drunk to make sense of anything and had had a passionate make-out session that had invariably resulted in us falling for each other physically. Over the time, we realized that we were too much like each other- we both loved beating shit out of people who bugged us and we both kinda liked being in the spotlight- and had called it quits for a while; well, we were fighting too much to talk things out properly. But then, a few days without each other made us realize the irrelevance of the fights. Figuring we would learn to live together overtime, we had started dating again.

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