The Last Day (Part I)

Start from the beginning

After the trio enter the grill, they see Damon up at the bar and go to join him.

"Grandpa." Kathleen greets him.

"Oh, great. Charlie's Angels are here." Damon mutters.

"Thank you for the compliment, Dummy Two." Eun Mi says with a smile. "Hey, Matt! Can you bring us some hot wings and onion rings?! Oh and three chocolate milkshakes! Please and thank you!" She shouts and receives a nod in return.

"Hey! Don't even throw me into that category with them! You know Kathy and Eun Mi force me to watch that movie with them every month!"

"Jeremy, shush. It's our tradition, okay? You know how this friendship works. Now grandpa..." Kathleen rests her arm on Damon's shoulder. "I heard that you forced Elena to drink your blood."

"Go ahead, Kathleen. Lay it on me." He groans.

"Alright... You're a dumbass. However, Elena is a even bigger dumbass." Just as he is about to glare at her, she flicks his forehead. "Let me explain why. You shouldn't had forced her your blood without her permission. But as for her? She needs to stop getting involved with vampires if she doesn't want to be one. You both knew better. Is that enough of a scolding for you?"

"...I screwed up." He groans as he puts against the counter.

"Yes, you did." She tells him.

"Look at my girl spilling the tea... I'm so proud." Eun Mi wipes away her fake tears and Jeremy rolls his eyes by her antics.

"Gentlemen. Ladies."

The group all look behind them to see a blonde hair man and teenage boy next to him.

"Ugh. Klaus, I presume." Damon says.

"In the flesh." Klaus replies and sends a smile Kathleen's way.

While the others attention focused on Klaus, Kathleen is immediately stunned by the smiling boy standing next to Klaus.

"Kiki, are you okay? You look like you've just seen your whole life flash before your eyes." Eun Mi whispers to Kathleen.


Eun Mi's eyes widened looking back forth between her best friend and Anthony while Damon and Jeremy have confused expressions.

"Hey, buttercup." Anthony greets her with the biggest smile on his face, happy to finally meet her in the flesh.

"You're... You're... You're really real? You weren't just part of my imagination?!"

He shakes his head and chuckles. She takes a step closer to him and pokes his chest, causing her to gasp and take step back with a shocked expression.

"Oh my... He's real." She whispers making the father-son duo laugh.

"Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute. This is your Anthony? The guy you were always seeing in your dreams?" Eun Mi asks and receives a nod from Kathleen. "Okay... So you're my Kiki's dream guy, huh?" She asks while looking at him up and down. She then takes out her phone and takes a photo.

"Mimi, what are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm sending the evidence to Mama Linnie and Mama Care." Eun Mi explains.

"Wait, someone mind explaining what's going on?" Damon asks.

"It's none of your business unless I want you to know! Anthony, can you explain how you are real and what are you doing with Klaus?" Kathleen asks.

"Hold on. Before anything else is said, I have something I like to say..." Klaus faces Damon. "I'm told you and your brother fancy my doppelganger. Just thought I'd remind you to not do anything you'll regret."

"Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement, by any chance, huh?"

"You're kidding." He turns to the trio. "He is kidding, right?" He asks and the trio shake their heads.

"I mean, come on, what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things?" Damon asks as he stands up from his seat.

"Let me be clear...I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up." Klaus says before glancing at Kathleen's worried expression. "I've made sure to chose ones who don't deserve to live."

"Actually, I do mi-" Damon is cut off when he smacked from the back of his head. When he turns to glare at the culprit, he gulps when he is met when a glaring Celine.

"Wow... Didn't take long for her to get here after I sent that picture." Eun Mi whispers to Jeremy.

"Mom, when did you get here?"

"Just now, sweetie." Celine smiles at her daughter before turning back to Damon. "Get out...or do I need to teach you another lesson?"

"...I'll head out."

"Yeah, you do that."

As he leaves, Eun Mi and Jeremy hold back their laughter of Damon attempting not being afraid of Celine.

"Baby, why don't you three go eat your food? I need to talk to the hybrid puppy and Anthony here."

Klaus blinks repeatedly. "I'm sorry? Did you just call me a puppy?"

"Did I stutter?"

"Umm, Klaus... Thank you...for keeping your promise." Kathleen says with a shy smile.

Klaus looks deep in thought until he realizes the promise he made to her about not hurting Bonnie or anyone while he was in Alaric's body. He smiles and gives her a nod. She glances at Anthony once more before Jeremy wraps his arms around her and Eun Mi's shoulders, leading them to their booth. 

"So you two going to tell me who he is?" Jeremy asks.

"Wait till our food comes first then we'll talk." Kathleen replies.

Celine notices Anthony gazing longingly at her daughter and snaps her fingers in front of his face.

"Boy, focus! You can talk to my baby girl in a bit. For now..." She quietly chants a spell. "...We're good."

"What did you just do?" Klaus asks.

"Not sure if Salvawhore is still around so I just made sure we can talk freely without him listening in." She takes a seat at the bar and gestures for them to sit as well. "Now, we have some things that we need to talk about... The sacrifice and your intentions with my daughter."

I freaking love Baekhyun! His new song Bambi is giving me some new inspiration for Eun Mi and Kol's love story!

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I freaking love Baekhyun! His new song Bambi is giving me some new inspiration for Eun Mi and Kol's love story!

So this was meant to be the whole thing but I split it into two parts. I wanted to get this out now because I kept you all waiting long enough! I'll try to get the next part out soon!

Yay! Sheila is alive in case you all didn't figure it out before! I put a little hint somewhere in a previous chapter and don't know if anyone realized that. And what did you think of her warning towards Bonnie?

Who else loves Mama Linnie? She's so much fun to write! Even the brotps!

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